A GUI frontend for the rust-fractal library based on the Druid library. rust-fractal is a mandelbrot fractal renderer implementing both perturbation and series approximation. A reference point is iterated at high-precision, arbitrary precision and differences from this are calculated in machine precision. This allows for a large reduction in computation required to render an image, especially at high zoom levels. This generator features:
- Perturbation based iteration with glitch detection.
- Glitch correction through automatic reference movement and recalculation.
- Series approximation calculation to skip (and approximate) large amounts of perturbation iterations.
- Probe based method to determine series approximation skip.
- Multithreading of core loops through rayon.
- Configurable location and rendering options.
- Multiple save formats including PNG and EXR.
- Utilises scaling and mantissa-exponent based extended precision to allow for arbitrary zoom, whilst maintaining good performance. Verified to be working at depths exceeding E50000. This is theoretically only limited by MPFR's precision.
You need to be able to compile the 'rug' crate which requires a rust GNU toolchain. A nightly toolchain is also required. Look in the documentation for rug for more information on how to do this. Once all required dependencies have been installed, build the crate with:
cargo build --release
Double click the executable. The file start.toml
must be in the same directory so that the program is able to get the initial renderer settings. Some shortcuts are:
zoom in to mouse locationRCLICK
zoom out from centerZ
quick zoom into centerD
toggle rendering modeO
open fileT
half rendering resolutionY
double rendering resolutionN
native rendering resolutionR
rotate 15 degrees clockwise
- claude (blog, Kalles Fraktaler 2+)
- pauldelbrot (glitch detection, nanoscope)
- knighty (superMB)