A web app absence planner for teams
Although R-R has existing systems to manage and view absence, they fail to meet some basic needs.
- Allow any R-R computer user to view any colleagues absence information (with appropriate protection of people's data and compliance to any legistation on privacy)
- Include 3rd party colleagues/contractors as well as regular staff
- globally accessible
This project aims to overcome these deficiencies
This project is just starting, will be a django web app with Javascript/jQuery on the front end, and Bulma.io CSS
To contribute changes to the original respository, the following commands can be used:
git remote add upstream ORIGINAL_REPOSITORY_URL
git merge upstream/master git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push origin master
- Options for modifying colour schemes can be found in the profile settings page, under the "App Information" category. Different colours can be picked for altering Bank Holidays and Weekends. A dropdown list within the same container can be modified to choose whether these specific dates are shown on the calendar. The rectangular bar can be selected to show a colour picker where a specific colour can be chosen, after these changes have been made they can be confirmed by clicking on the "Submit" button to apply them.