Well this is meant to be a habit tracker but with a twist.
Tracking daily habits and using a heatmap to display the days where the habits were completed. Its following a similar style to how Github's commit history works. Inspiration comes from Mitch Koko habit tracker tutorial
There is a place for notes, just to add for the day or really just to add randomly. I preferred using AppFlowyEditor its still fairly new but its stable enough to use in production. This is because I like writing my notes in Markdown so very useful.
- AppFlowy Editor highly customizable rich text editor.
- Hive Database uses a key/value pair time of storage. Aims to have faster CRUD operation times. Of course there is a limit for large databases.
- Riverpod an alternative to the default Provider which has alot of issues that need fixing, its also simple to use really.
- Flutter heatmap displays a nice heatmap for the habit tracker.
- Get package allows one to navigate to different screens without using Navigator.of(context).push(ScreenName()).