Slides and Abstract on my website:
Goal: Create two modular applications, one for a Vet and one for a Car Repair Shop.
Use the provided scripts to compile and run the applications. Java 9 needs to be installed and the JAVA9 environment variable must point to the Java 9 /bin directory.
Initial code example with a simple JavaFX Application for a Vet.
It uses the commons.lang Jar for toString operations in Customer.
Refactoring Step 2: Creating Modules by splitting up the existing code
Uses a modified commons-lang-2.6.jar with Automatic-Module-Name in MANIFEST.MF.
Refactoring Step 4:
Creating a general App Module
Creating a new Car Module, similar to the Pet Module
Resolving TODO in VisitDao
Refactoring to use the general app
Creating which references on the Car Module instead of the Pet module
This also adds a script for using the jlink to create platform specific standalone versions of the two applications.