Virtual Machine for Adversary Emulation and Threat Hunting by RedHunt Labs
RedHunt OS aims to be a one stop shop for all your threat emulation and threat hunting needs by integrating attacker's arsenal as well as defender's toolkit to actively identify the threats in your environment.
To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.
- Lubuntu-18.04 x64
- Release v2: All feedback is welcome.
- System Updates
- Tool Updates
- New Categories added: Reporting
- Outdated tools removed
- Base OS Updated to 18.04
- Download the latest OVA file from
- Import the OVA in VirtualBox.
- Login using the credentials hunter:hunter.
- Update the distribution ‘sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade’.
- Configure/Use the tools.
VM Credentials: Username: hunter Password: hunter
Caldera Credentials: Username: admin Password: admin
Version 1
- MD5: f8d433140f7e2b370b81c8b6ed3c951f
- SHA1: 66b6a9bdbd2c6f029de9d17a2e086166a1ab7fd3
- Integrate Memory Forensics and Analysis Framework
- Integrate Reporting Tools
- Integrate Threat Intelligence Frameworks
- Integrate OSINT Frameworks