Automated Errorlog analzer is a multi threaded python script based tool which takes error log text file as input and parses it, based on certain xml rules written by the user, deduces the meaning of the content captured in the error log and it also does a root cause analysis to find the exact problem within no-time.
The following are the python packages required for the script to run.
- re - For regex support
- threading - For threading support
- sys - For the system calls support
- untangle - For xml Support
- argparse - For arguments and help
- datetime - For manipulating dates and times
- time - For time related functions support
The script expects the following files to be present in the same directory in which it is being run.
[x] rules.xml - Where the rules to decude the meaning of the error log is written
[x] key_list.txt - Where the list of input keys that can be used in the rules.xml
[x] err_log_help.txt - Where content of error log education is provided
All the above mentioned packagesi except untangle
are standard ones , and they come directly with the python
The following is the command to install the untangle package using pip.
pip3 install untangle --user
The tool is written and well tested,supported in python3.
The following all the options supported by the tool. [-h] [--ruleHelp | --keyList | --errlEducation | --elog ELOG_PATH]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ruleHelp to print the help message on how to add custom rule
--keyList to print list of keys available in the oscc error log
--errlEducation to print the description of each keys available in the
oscc error log
--elog ELOG_PATH path to the error log file to be analyzed
Also, there is an example xml rule template(example_rule.xml) provided as a part of the repo.
| |
| Collect errorlogs, |
| define input rules |
| |
| |
| Process the user defined |
| error condition rules, Process |
| the error logs and store the |
| data in suitable data structure |
| |
| Check the error log |
| to see if any of the |
| user specified rule |
| gets satisfied. |
| |
| Error condition |
+------------------------+ found in the logs +-----------------+
| | | |
| +-----------------------+ |
v |
+----------------+----------------+ |
|Print the root cause of | |
|failure and details of part +----------------+ +-------------------------+
|to be replaced. | | |
+---------------------------------+ | |
| END |
Manojkiran Eda - @manojkiraneda Rajees R - @rajees