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What is this?

Tool to generate redirects from Next.js dynamic routes in the pages folder. This helps the fringe case of using next export with dynamic routes (e.g. you're hosting your SPA statically on Netlify or S3).

The problem

If you are using next export but you have one or more dynamic routes (eg /pages/[yourVariable].jsx) you will end up with files like [yourVariable].html inside your out folder. Going to this page directly will result in a 404. To deal with this problem we need to set up Netlify redirects which look like:

from = "/:yourVariable
to = "/[yourVariable].html"
status = 200

The solution

This tool will autogenerate those and spit them out in the console for you to copy into your Netlify.toml file - for convenience and to eliminate human error.

How to run

A) Script: Import the function and run in a post-build script The package exposes generateRedirects() which can be ran in a node script to automate the process. See examples/using-script/scripts/postBuild.mjs

B) NPX: Execute using NPX: npx next-redirect-generator

C) NPM script: Install npm add -D next-redirect-generator & npm run next-redirect-generator

Run the command in the root of your Next.js project - the script looks for a pages folder in your current working directory. Otherwise provide a --path argument.

Output format

_redirects format.

npm run next-redirect-generator --format=_redirect"

Netlify.toml format.

npm run next-redirect-generator --format=netlify.toml

JSON format.

npm run next-redirect-generator --format=json

Alternate pages directory.

npm run next-redirect-generator --path=src/pages else it will look at the closest pages folder in your CWD.