A Reinforcement Learning framework for python, inspired by OpenAi Gymnasium
Use black for formatting
A Python library for reinforcement learning in which all the environments and agents can be customized. It offers a high-level abstraction intended to reduce the amount of code written, while providing robustness and versatility for users who wish to further fine-tune their scenarios. We intend to create two versions of this library: one written purely in Python and another in Lua.
Once written, this library will be uploaded to pip/PyPi and users will be able to access the library.
For using the library locally, we recommend using poetry. Make sure you have poetry installed.
Run poetry install
We have a poetry lockfile to make sure the correct dependencies are installed
All dependencies will be installled via the pip package.
A simple pip install pyrlkit
should install the library, once it is up and running
If you are running locally, you can run poetry install
Documentation for the library will be created separately and hosted. It will be linked here in the future.
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration - OpenAi Gymnasium
- Ameya Patil
- Bhavya Ambardar
- Viraj Shah