This is the code I've created to practice with C sockets, you can use it to send and receive files over the network. It can act both as a server or client, once the connection is estabilished, the file exchange is bidirectional.
server$ ./socket -l 4444 -r
Successfully created socket
Binding successful
Client connected
demo is 52428800 bytes
Receiving data... 52428800 / 52428800
Data received
client$ ./socket -c 4444 -s demo
Successfully created socket
Connection established
demo is 52428800 bytes
Sending data... 52428800 / 52428800
Data sent
Tested on OS X and Linux.
To check whether the server is actually listening or not run lsof -i -P | grep socket
on Mac or sudo netstat -antp | grep socket
on Linux.
The connection is unencrypted so avoid using it over WAN, also there is no integrity check. Improvements that could be made are the ability to deal with multiple clients, additional checks on argv, file I/O and error management.