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Project groups

Vladimir Kotal edited this page Nov 8, 2018 · 8 revisions

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Using OpenGrok groupings

This is a howto to introduce new feature in OpenGrok which allows you to group projects into groups by using regexps and display them on the index page.


If no configuration about groups is provided then groups are not used. Instead there is a list of repositories on the main page and list of repositories and projects in the select box (as it used to be).

Simple configuration

Suppose we have couple of projects:

  • ctags-5.6
  • ctags-5.6-stable
  • ctags-5.7
  • ctags-5.8
  • apache-ant-1.9
  • opengrok-master
  • opengrok-0.12-stable

The new feature allows us to create a structure like this (example):

| -- ctags 5.6
|	 | -- ctags-5.6
|	 | -- ctags-5.6-stable
| -- ctags 5.7
|	 | -- ctags-5.7
| -- ctags 5.8
|	 | -- ctags-5.8
| -- apache-ant-1.9
| -- opengrok-master
| -- opengrok-0.12-stable

and display that structure on the main page below the search form.

Configuration for this structure could look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_65" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
 <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Configuration" id="Configuration0">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.6</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.6.*</string>
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.7</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.7</string>
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.8</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.8</string>
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">

Configuration is provided in the read only configuration (-R parameter of indexer). This configuration is merged by the indexer with the instance configuration in /var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml (default) so the groups are available for the webapp.

NOTE: There is no other way to persistently provide the group configuration than the -R option for each run of the indexer. If you run the indexer without the read only configuration, your groups will vanish from the configuration.xml. For more information see #1065. More about this process how the get the persistent group configuration is in the Advanced Configuration


Groups, projects and repositories should be displayed in alphabetical order.


Groups are displayed in accordion on the main page, accordion can be expanded to see all subgroups and repositories in that group. It is necessary to mention that in the accordion there are only repositories, i. e. projects with repository information.

If no group matches the project the special section 'Other' is maintained with all such projects and repositories.

All favourite groups are expanded. A group is considered as favourite when one of its projects is considered favourite. Favourite project is a project which is contained in the OpenGrokProject cookie (see, i. e. it has been searched or viewed by the user recently. This applies also for subgroups of the given group.

There is a tunable threshold to control if other than favourite groups should be expanded by default. The name of the configuration property is groupsCollapseThreshold and it controls the maximum number of projects contained in the group (without traversing the subgroups) when the group should be expanded or not. This threshold is by default equal to 4.

Select Box

Using <optgroup> in select box displays all groups with their projects and repositories in the select box. Special section 'Other' is also included for non-matched projects. Double click on the project leads to its xref as usual (not working in IE) and double click in group name selects all projects in that group.

Group class

Method summary

  • Configuration.addGroup(Group group)

This method adds a group to the set of groups in the configuration. If the group name is not unique accross the set, it throws an IOException and does not add that group.

  • Group.addGroup(Group group)

This method adds a group to the other group as its subgroup. It correctly sets the parent group so that the whole structure can be traversed.

Property summary

  • String Group::name - displayed group name

  • String Group::pattern - regexp which is tested for each project. empty pattern implies that no project matches this group thus it can be used as a superior group without repeating the projects from subgroups


There is opengrok-groups Python script (in the opengrok_tools Python package shipped with OpenGrok) that which is suitable for creating the group structure and for easy manipulation with the group tree. The script is a wrapper around the Groups Java program available in opengrok.jar.


  • generate empty configuration:
$ opengrok-groups -a opengrok.jar -- -e > readonly_configuration.xml
  • add a group:
$ opengrok-groups -a opengrok.jar -- \
    -i readonly_configuration.xml -n admins \
    -r "test-project-1|test-project-2|test-project-3|test-project-4" -o newconf.xml
$ mv newconf.xml readonly_configuration.xml
  • add another group:
$ opengrok-groups -a opengrok.jar -- \
    -i readonly_configuration.xml -n users \
    -r "test-project-5|test-project-6|test-project-7|test-project-8" -o newconf.xml
$ mv newconf.xml readonly_configuration.xml
  • add a subgroup
$ opengrok-groups -a opengrok.jar -- \
    -i readonly_configuration.xml -n plugins \
    -r "test-project-9|test-project-10" -p users -o newconf.xml
$ mv newconf.xml readonly_configuration.xml

Now the readonly_configuration.xml is ready to be used as Read-only configuration.

The group names correspond to the roles defined in tomcat-users.xml earlier. The final group structure should look like this now:

$ opengrok-groups -a opengrok.jar -- -l -i readonly_configuration.xml
admins ~ "test-project-1|test-project-2|test-project-3|test-project-4"
users ~ "test-project-5|test-project-6|test-project-7|test-project-8"
    plugins ~ "test-project-9|test-project-10"

Another sample configuration

It is possible to include the same project in multiple groups. We could create also a structure like this:

| -- ctags 5.6
|	 | -- ctags-5.6
|	 | -- ctags-5.6-stable
| -- ctags 5.7
|	 | -- ctags-5.7
| -- ctags 5.8
|	 | -- ctags-5.8
| -- apache-ant-1.9
| -- opengrok-master
| -- opengrok-0.12-stable
| -- apache-ant-1.9
| -- opengrok-master
| -- opengrok-0.12-stable
C language
| -- ctags-5.6
| -- ctags-5.6-stable
| -- ctags-5.7
| -- ctags-5.8

with configuration like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<java version="1.8.0_65" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
 <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Configuration" id="Configuration0">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.6</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.6.*</string>
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.7</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.7</string>
            <void method="addGroup">
                <object class="org.indexer.opengrok.configuration.Group">
                    <void property="name">
                        <string>ctags 5.8</string>
                    <void property="pattern">
                        <string>ctags 5.8</string>
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
            <void property="pattern">
    <void method="addGroup">
        <object class="org.opengrok.indexer.configuration.Group">
            <void property="name">
                <string>C language</string>
            <void property="pattern">