A Pebble watchapp for displaying parking occupancy in Luxembourg city using the RSS feed provided by Ville de Luxembourg: http://www.vdl.lu/Trouver+les+emplacements+libres-p-64574.html
Disclaimer: This app is not in any way supported or endorsed by Ville de Luxembourg.
Acknowledgment: Code was strongly influenced by Neal's Readebble project, many thanks to him.
The first screen shows a list of city areas. If you select an area, you will see the list of parkings for that area, with additional information:
- number of available spaces / total spaces
- an icon indicating occupancy trend
- on color watches, the text will be green if the parking has available spaces, red if it's full
- Add a screen to display full detail for a selected parking
- handle no phone connection / no internet connection gracefully
- Display a green/red bar to visualize occupancy (like on VdL's web page)
- Avoid redrawing all items each time an item is added
- Auto-refresh parking data
- Sort parkings (by what?)
- Add some configuration options
- Store last selected area
- i18n
- Alternative solution for XML to JSON service?