##Whats in this fork
This fork is very close to the orginal gem. I have added a few features and shortcut methods;
###Tag methods Highrise::Tag.delete_by_name('tag_name') Highrise::Person.tagged_with_name('tag_name') Highrise::Person.find(123).tagged?('tag_name')
###Email methods Highrise::Person.find(123).email_address Highrise::Person.find(123).email #alias for email_address Highrise::Person.find(123).email_valid?
###Highrise Custom Fields - read and write (called "subject_datas" in the Highrise API)
p = Highrise::Person.find(123)
p.subject_data_hash #{"favourite_color"=>"red"}
p.field("FavouriteColor") #<Highrise::SubjectData:0xb5e3442c @attributes={"subject_field_label"=>"FavouriteColor", "id"=>12065552, "value"=>"red", "subject_field_id"=>123}, @prefix_options={}>
This gem provides a set of classes to access information on Highrise via the published API:
Account, Comment, Company, Deal, DealCategory, Email, Group, Case, Membership, Note, Party, Person, Recording, Subject, Tag, Task, TaskCategory and User.
All these classes are inherited from ActiveResouce::Base. Refer to the ActiveResouce documentation for more information.
gem install peterosullivan-highrise
gem 'peterosullivan-highrise', :require => 'highrise'
I'm on rdoc.info
require 'highrise'
Highrise::Base.site = 'https://your_site.highrisehq.com'
Highrise::Base.user = 'api-auth-token'
If you are using this in a Rails application, putting this code in a config/initializers/highrise.rb file is recommended. See config_initializers_highrise.rb in the examples/ directory.
@tags = Highrise::Tag.find(:all)
@people = Highrise::Person.find_all_across_pages(:params => {:tag_id => 12345})
This code is free to be used under the terms of the MIT license.
Comments are welcome. Send your feedback through the issue tracker on GitHub
If you have fixes: Submit via pull requests. Do not include version changes to the version file.