- dynamic data ::
vi-analytics aims to understand how users behave when learning or working with interactive videos. Therefore I consider individual users as well group interactions. For that purposes vi-analytics combines a bunch of tools to analyse user behavior and video usage from log files. The library is written for node.js. Video usage mining techniques can be applied in order to generate D3.js visualizations.
- what parts of an video have been whatched how often and by whom?
- what learning paths can be found within a collection of videos?
- what usage patterns appear regarding a single video?
- Analyse effectiv group interactions in collaborative learning scenarios.
Calvani, A., Fini, A., Molino, M., & Ranieri, M. (2010). Visualizing and monitoring effective interactions in online collaborative groups. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 213–226. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00911.x
So fare this library has been used to analyses a few field studies:
- IWRM education
- CSCL-Scripts for Peer Assessment and Peer Annotation in a video-based Learning Environment
- Comparison of open and script-based collaboration in a video-based Learning Environment
comming soon
- express
- gauss
- fs
- csv
node vi-analytics.js
(comming soon)
Read logdata from csv. Therefore the csv field need to be manually mapped to the purposes JSON keys.
Data Preparation
Visualize the output as SVG by using D3.js and related libraries
Structure of a typical csv input:
JSON data model for further procedures:
utc: // [integer] unix time stamp,
date: // pre-calculated date for faster processing
ip: // user IP address
location: // [object] derived location
video: // [string]
group: [integer]
user: [integer]
action: [string],
action_details: [object]
command: [string]
value: [string/number]
user_agent: [string];
- CORDTRA diagram
- Venn Diagrams
List all modules
- table nxm
- single plot
- plot matrix
- header
- description
Include meta data descriptors for data sets in order to pre pare them for publishing in open science data shops
UI ** uploading data sets ** See viewing activity and drop-off rates to determine audience attention span minute-by-minute. ** mapping from csv to JSON ** select analyses procedures
mboston like output of rendered D3/SVG graphics including a general and specific description of the plot type and visualized data
- (, written in PHP
- ...