A Full Stack Job Portal application using MERN Stack along with material-UI, cookie, datagrid, formik-yup.
- Clone the repo.
- Create a .env file in the main directory and set variables PORT=9000 DATABASE=YOUR_MONGO_URL JWT_SECRET=fidbfbFCDSm1558 NODE_ENV=development for development mode and NODE_ENV=production if deploying the application.
- Run "npm install"
- Register/ Log-in for Applicants and Recruiter/Admin.
- Authentication system implemented using JWT and cookie.
- Toast notification for major events.
- Change the theme between light and dark, implemented using Material-UI.
- Implemented pagination, download in CSV option.
- Create jobs and job categories.
- Dashboard analytics for a created jobs - based on number of applicants applied, their location and other details.
- Search and apply for jobs.
- Filter for jobs based on category and location.
- See the job history in the user dashboard.
- Dashboard analytics for applied jobs - based on salary levels, location and other details.
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern - to divide the program logic into three inter-related components.
- Higher Order Component (HOC) - technique used in React for reusing component logic.