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User Guide. New Game Manual

Mr. Fat Guy edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents:

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You guide the Prospector through his adventures in so called Wild West circa 1860.

Where appropriate, you can move in one of four directions: , , or . The Space button is used as an action button in various circumstances (firing a gun, entering city, etc.).

The mouse is used solely as a selection device. Think of the mouse being the prospectors hand. Using the mouse is simply a method of allowing the prospector to choose items or options during the game such as purchasing items at the store. To activate the mouse at ant time during game play, simply click the left mouse button once. With the mouse active, use the left mouse button to click on icons or press section buttons on the Status Panel.

End Die
However, don't get too sad, if most of your attempts will actually lead you to much more sad ending

The Status Panel




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It couldn't be simpler than that. Food inventory allows Old Timer to survive in the desert and stay in a good health.

You use it to carry all the food and drink (including water canteens) that you can purchase at the mercantile and water) it to full at the river. You also put there all the fishes that catch and some snakes) if you you manage to kill them.

You can carry:

  • 10 food items along with you
  • And +10 items extra for every donkey that you purchase at the stable.

So, up to 40 food items at most (when having three donkeys).

Selling a donkey means that you loose all the food that it was carrying so make such decisions carefully (who would like to sell a hard-time-earned donkey after all and for what reason?).

Donkeys do not goes with you into the mines and caves (they're scared) so make sure that you have enough food and drink together with you, especially if you want to wander a larger mine or cave.


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Tools inventory allows Old Timer to bring stuff necessary during his voyage together with him.

This stuff is crucial to its survival in the desert (when fighting Indians, outlaws or snakes). He won't go far without it at the river (needed for fishing, panning for gold or watering). Finally and the most important, there's absolutely not point to go into mines or caves and there's no change you gonna pick some gold without having a handy set of tools with you.

You can carry:

  • 10 tools, pieces of hardware or mercantile items along with you
  • And +10 items extra for every donkey that you purchase at the stable.

So, up to 40 tools items at most (when having three donkeys).

Selling a donkey means that you loose all the stuff that it was carrying so make such decisions carefully (again, who would like to sell a hard-time-earned donkey after all).

As you already know, donkeys do not goes with you into the mines and caves (they're scared) so things like rope or light must be carried with you, not on a donkey when you enter those forsaken places. For the same reason all the gold that you pick stays with you, so make sure that you take only the necessary things with you.


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The Town







Assay Office

Goldfield Bank



Livery Stable

The Desert

The River

Panning for Gold



Caves and Mines

Using the Rope

Using the Ladders

Using the Pick








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