Use the Commodore Amiga English TTS system with Dutch Texts.
- Short: Experimental Dutch Accent (10-Jul-1997)
- Uploader: Hans Kruse
- Author: Hans Kruse
- Type: util/libs
- Requires: Translator43.0
(See Tran43pch.lha)
- Version: 2.0
- Distribution: Aminet/Aminet-CD
This is an experimental Dutch accent demonstrating some of the new features of this version and some special phoneme combinations to overcome the lack of the proper Dutch: sch ,g s ui ui sounds in Narrator 37.7, The uu sound doesn't work properly yet. The name "Amsterdam" is chosen to distinguish it from the the coming enhanced dutch.accent also developed by me. This will be as good as !USA.accent.
This accent is optimized for use with Narrator 37.7 and requires Translator43.
This file is provided AS-IS, so no warranty. If it crashes your system, I like to know why but I will not be responsible!
You cannot use it for a profit:sell it as part of or as a commercial product, I have the rights. If you want to spread an altered version please contact me. Improvements will be to the benefit of everybody. Distribution only permited through AMINET or AMINET CD's!
I also included an older nederlands.accent (I'm already working on it for a while.) which is a bit better but less organized, and it surly crashes your machine sooner or later. It's easy to be seen How handy the empty matches and lhs-reference features Mr. Barlow implemented can be:
It's not easy to do speak things from right to left like some dutch numers when reading from left to right using version 2.
Copy or move the Amsterdam.accent file to the
directory; which should also be SYS:Locale/accents
or the HD0:Locale/accents
There is also a Nederlands.accent file for an older version of the translator library.