A set of scripts can be use to work with KiCad
bom_plugins/bom2sch.py: Update eeschema symbol fields from the first table found in CSV BOM file. It will make a minimal change on .sch files. Allow simple diff tools make sense.
bom_plugins/bom2csv.py: Transform xml netlist or root .sch file to CSV BOM file. It create two tables for un-grouped, and grouped versions.
eeschema/reset_footprint.py: Reset all the symbol footprint back to default value from libraries
pcbnew/clone.py: Clone multi-channels layout using schematic hierarchy, and Cmts.User zones as marker for clone area. More Info
convertors/modToPretty.py: Convert old mod file into pretty file.
convertors/pcb_downgrade.py: Down grade .kicad_pcb or .kicad_mod file save by 5.x so that it can be open on 4.x or 5.x
- Digikey API: https://api-portal.digikey.com/product
- Digikey web search: https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=ANY_VALUES
- Digikey web search: https://www.digikey.com/products/en?part=DIGIKEY_NUMBER
- Mouser web search: https://www.mouser.com/Search/Refine?Keyword=ANY_VAULES