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Adding reasoning to your AI? Take these resources, they may help you on your way. Icon


AGI/causality/frml grammar
Deepmind Chomsky Hierarchy Problems crafted for FSM/PDA/TM [1]
automata a neurallambda tool to gen from grammars [1]
im a strange dataset Tough for LLMs because of self-references. [1]
DiagGSM8k NL Reasoning Benchmark [1]
CLadder Causal reasoning [1]
Cause-Effect Pairs 108 datasets of 2 var dynamics (not NL) [1]
MNLI Entailment sentence parsing + entailment [1]
THUDM AgentInstruct long form dialogs [1]
WANG AgentInstruct gpt3 synthesized instructions [1]
KnowLM Tool prompt + tool call + answer [1]
Glaive Tool Usage sys prompt says tools + prompt + answer [1]
opentoolformer retrieval prompt + tool call [1]
rosetta same program, many diff languages [1]
EvoEval Tool Use 100 prompt + code + tests [1]
gsm8k Grade School Math 8k [1]
MetaMath one-shot math [1]
MetaMathFewShot few-shot math [1]
MathPile 9B tok from filtered internet [1]
LogiQA NL multi choice, requires abstraction [1]
Logic-LM a model combining auto theorem provers and llms [1]
Coq Facts 270k cog theorem prover programs [1]
Nous Open Reasoning community contrib tasks [1]
UltraInteract_sft GPT generated iterated reasoning dialogs [1]
CoGnition NL compositional generalization [1]
Winogrande ambiguous sentences, fill in 1 word [1]
Winograd_wsc ambiguous sentences, choose the right word [1]
Contradiction 2 phrases, do they contradict [1]
Recognizing Textual Entailment 2 phrases, do they entail each other [1]
Textual Entailment Pool more entailment [1]
Answer Validation 2 phrases, does the answer solve question [1]
Monotonicity Entailment x is true, does y follow [1]
entailment passage, question -> T/F [1]
Commonsense QA muti choice QA [1]
GLUE several datasets [1]
custom multi-hop use wikipedia's graph of articles
MUD videogames (various could be training data)
skunkworks/reasoning wide variety of NL tasks [1]
arc-like 1D visual puzzles, great seq reasoning [1]
re-arc 2D reverse engineered ARC [1]
ARC competition [1]
(misc) xLSTM paper lists several in appendix [1]
expand polynomials algebraic expansion [Abstractor]
linear eq solve algebraic eqs [Abstractor]
Match-To-Sample cogsci test for relational reasoning [1] MLPs Learn In Context
Oddball Detection cogsci test for relational reasoning [1] MLPs Learn In Context
regression with incontext learning, good reasoning test [1] MLPs Learn In Context
clustering with incontext learning, good reasoning test [1] MLPs Learn In Context
COGS compositional generalization [1]
SCAN systematicity, "$x to the left" [1] [2]
clevr 2d img of 3d shapes + natural language QA [1] [2]
lambda calc + beta reductions generator code, single+multistep [1]
lichess-puzzles chess puzzles [1]
pointer net problems convex hull, TSP, triangulation [1]
Big Bench Hard 23 challenges (only 6k datapoints) [1]
logical entailment dataset logic strings by deepmind [1]
logical entailment dataset code (generate it yourself) [1]
FSM Game generate strings according to grammar
Adaptive Grammar grammar rule might change
String/Graph Rewriting
LibraryOfLogic generate NL from multiple games [1]
AB-XY Game
word ladder
longest cmn subseq
string reversal
wisconsin card sorting
permutation composition


Reasoning tokens Self-Reasoning Tokens, teaching models to think ahead [1]
Quiet-STaR LLMs Can Teach Themselves to Think Before Speaking [1]