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Grafana webhook to gammu smsd server

This (quick and dirty) tool allows to receive grafana alerts in webhook format, and transfer it's content to an SMS gateway.
In our case, the SMS gateway will be gammu-smsd but any command line driven SMS gateway can be configured.


You need a working SMS service that can be triggered by CLI, example: gammu-smsd


Install and setup a python environment

cd /opt
git clone
python3 -m venv /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/venv
/opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/venv/bin/python -m pip install -r /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/requirements.txt

Configure the file /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.conf according to your needs.
By default, it's configured to use Gammu-smsd-inject command to send SMS.

Setup the service

cp /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/examples/systemd/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd
systemctl start grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd
systemctl status grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd

Don't forget to setup the firewall. Example for RHEL:

firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent && firewall-cmd --reload

At this point, you can configure Grafana's webhook. Send endpoint is /grafana


The url will be http(s)://your_server.tld/grafana/{phone_number} where {phone_number} must be replaced with actual number, URL encoded if needed.
HTTP method should be post, and HTTP Basic authentication should be enabled.
Please also use this server behind a HTTPS reverse proxy for better security.

You may add multiple phone numbers by separating them with a semicolon, eg http(s)://your_server.tld/grafana/0123456789;0234567890;02345678901

You may also limit the number of sent sms by setting a minimal interval between two sent smses.
The url will be http(s)://your_server.tld/grafana/{phone_number}/{min_interval} Example, in order to not receive more than a SMS every two hours (7200 seconds):


Testing your server in CLI mode

Once your server is setup, you can use CURL to check whether everything works.
By using one of the test grafana calls found in grafana-webhook-calls.txt and the username/password configured in grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.conf, you can execute the following test request to phone number 01234567890

curl -X POST -u grafana:MySecret!Password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"receiver": "test", "status": "firing", "alerts": [{"status": "firing", "labels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "annotations": {"summary": "Notification test"}, "startsAt": "2024-03-09T11:10:16.31897622+01:00", "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "generatorURL": "", "fingerprint": "57c6d9296de2ad39", "silenceURL": "https://supervision.local/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3DTestAlert&matcher=instance%3DGrafana", "dashboardURL": "", "panelURL": "", "values": null, "valueString": "[ metric='foo' labels={instance=bar} value=10 ]"}], "groupLabels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "commonLabels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "commonAnnotations": {"summary": "Notification test"}, "externalURL": "https://supervision.local/", "version": "1", "groupKey": "test-57c6d9296de2ad39-1709979016", "truncatedAlerts": 0, "orgId": 1, "title": "[FIRING:1] TestAlert Grafana ", "state": "alerting", "message": "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = TestAlert\n - instance = Grafana\nAnnotations:\n - summary = Notification test\nSilence: https://supervision.local/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3DTestAlert&matcher=instance%3DGrafana\n"}' http://localhost:8080/grafana/01234567890