Project the results of the nirsSPM analysis on a T1 image of a patient's brain anatomy (NIfTI file).
- This application is developed using the App Designer of MATLAB R2019a.
- It needs two MATLAB libraries niftimatlib and SPM12.
- Download and install nirs2nii.mlappinstall (guide)
- Set paths of both the libraries in MATLAB (guide)
- Select the nirsSPM results file which can be found in (.. -> nirsSPM -> spm_data -> nirsSPM_NIRS...oxyHb.mat)
- Select the p-values from the nirsSPM results. (Location: .. -> nirsSPM -> spm_data -> MAT -> nirsSPM_NIRS_......_pValues.mat)
- Select the NIfTI file of the patient's anatomy (T1 raw .nii file) on which the channels with high p-values need to be highlighted
- Select other options as default. (You can change them afterwards if required)
- Click on Run, the process will take appx. 5-7 minutes. The results will be generated in results_{datetime} folder and 'wchannels.nii' is the desired overlay file.