The extension is designed to control the sending of notifications (email, sms, etc).
The extension will be useful if you need to send out repeated notifications (once a day, a week, a month, a year, a specified number of times) and control this process.
/** @var NoticeApi $noticeApi */
$noticeApi = ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(NoticeApi::class);
$recordId = 10; //coupon id
$recordType = "daily_coupon"; //unique type for coupon records
$dayNumber = 1; //daily
if (!$noticeApi->isNoticeSentByDayNumber($recordId, $recordType, $dayNumber, NoticeInterface::TYPE_EMAIL)) {
$isSend = 1; //status
$count = 1; //count of sending times
$noticeApi->createNoticeByParams($recordId, $recordType, NoticeInterface::TYPE_EMAIL, $isSend, $count);//send coupon code
/** @var NoticeApi $noticeApi */
$noticeApi = ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(NoticeApi::class);
$recordId = 99; //news record id
$recordType = "weekly_news"; //unique type for news records
if (!$noticeApi->isNoticeSentWeek($recordId, $recordType)) {
$isSend = 1; //status
$count = 1; //count of sending times
$noticeApi->createNoticeByParams($recordId, $recordType, NoticeInterface::TYPE_EMAIL, $isSend, $count);//send email code