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uftrace for chromium

Honggyu Kim edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 21 revisions

1. Download depot_tools

Chromium uses a package of scripts called depot_tools to manage checkouts and code reviews.
The depot_tools package includes gclient, gcl, git-cl, repo, and others. Chromium uses a package of scripts called depot_tools to manage checkouts and code reviews.

# download depot_tools
$ git clone

# environment setup for depot_tools
$ export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:$PATH

2. Download chromium

First, create a directory chromium.

$ mkdir chromium && cd chromium

Then, create .gclient file in the current directory as follows:

solutions = [
    "url": "",
    "managed": False,
    "name": "src",
    "custom_deps": {},

Do (shallow) git clone for chromium source code.

$ git clone --depth=1 -b 73.0.3676.0
$ cd src

Then, download third party modules.

$ gclient sync --shallow

3. Change build scripts for -pg build support

The following use_uftrace.diff file contains some changes to apply -pg build for uftrace.

diff --git a/build/config/compiler/ b/build/config/compiler/
index 54ce77b..204e721 100644
--- a/build/config/compiler/
+++ b/build/config/compiler/
@@ -762,6 +762,10 @@ config("compiler") {
     asmflags += cflags
     asmflags += cflags_c
+  if (use_uftrace) {
+    cflags += [ "-g", "-pg", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
+  }
 # This provides the basic options to select the target CPU and ABI.
diff --git a/build/config/compiler/compiler.gni b/build/config/compiler/compiler.gni
index 18a7f08..ca00a68 100644
--- a/build/config/compiler/compiler.gni
+++ b/build/config/compiler/compiler.gni
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ declare_args() {
   # It's currently not possible to collect AFDO profiles on anything but
   # x86{,_64}.
   using_mismatched_sample_profile = current_cpu != "x64" && current_cpu != "x86"
+  # Enables -g -pg -fno-omit-frame-pointer for uftrace
+  use_uftrace = false

 assert(!is_cfi || use_thin_lto, "CFI requires ThinLTO")
diff --git a/third_party/ffmpeg/ b/third_party/ffmpeg/
index fd79bc4..4a3eaae 100755
--- a/third_party/ffmpeg/
+++ b/third_party/ffmpeg/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import("ffmpeg_generated.gni")


 # Path to platform configuration files.
 platform_config_root =
@@ -265,6 +266,10 @@ target(link_target_type, "ffmpeg_internal") {

+    if (use_uftrace) {
+      cflags -= [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+    }
     if (!is_clang) {
       # gcc doesn't have flags for specific warnings, so disable them
       # all.
diff --git a/third_party/swiftshader/ b/third_party/swiftshader/
index 56c78ce..54933c0 100644
--- a/third_party/swiftshader/
+++ b/third_party/swiftshader/
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ config("swiftshader_config") {

+      if (use_uftrace) {
+        cflags -= [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
+      }
       defines += [

Since those changes have to be made across multiple different repositories, it has to be applied as follows:

$ patch -p1 < use_uftrace.diff
patching file build/config/compiler/
patching file build/config/compiler/compiler.gni
patching file third_party/ffmpeg/
patching file third_party/swiftshader/

4. Install build dependencies

The chrome requires many other external packages to be installed. So the following command installs them.

$ sudo ./build/

5. Build for chrome

$ gn gen out/ "--args=enable_nacl=false is_component_build=false is_debug=false use_jumbo_build=true symbol_level=2 use_uftrace=true"

$ ninja -C out/ chrome

$ cd out/
$ nm ./chrome | grep mcount
                 U mcount

6. Tracing chrome with uftrace

The following command records a simple chrome execution in headless mode.

$ uftrace record -t 5ms --no-libcall ./chrome --no-sandbox --headless

7. TUI output

7.1. Session List

Chrome launches many processes and their memory maps are different. To distinguish those, uftrace provides session window when it has multiple sessions as follows:

$ uftrace tui -t 30ms
Key uftrace command
 G  call Graph for session #1: chrome
    call Graph for session #2: chrome
    call Graph for session #3: chrome
 R  Report functions
 I  uftrace Info
 h  Help message
 q  quit

7.2. Browser Process

   13.048  m : (1) chrome
    1.032  m :  ├─(1) main
    1.032  m :  │ (1) ChromeMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) headless::HeadlessShellMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) headless::HeadlessShellMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) headless::HeadlessBrowserMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) headless::_GLOBAL__N_1::RunContentMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) content::ContentMain
    1.032  m :  │ (1) service_manager::Main
   45.596  s :  │  ├▶(1) content::ContentServiceManagerMainDelegate::Initialize
             :  │  │
   46.730  s :  │  └─(1) content::ContentServiceManagerMainDelegate::RunEmbedderProcess
   46.730  s :  │    (1) content::ContentMainRunnerImpl::Run
   46.730  s :  │    (1) content::ContentMainRunnerImpl::RunServiceManager
   46.691  s :  │    (1) headless::HeadlessContentMainDelegate::RunProcess
  244.923 ms :  │     ├▶(1) content::BrowserMainRunnerImpl::Initialize
             :  │     │
   46.411  s :  │     ├─(1) content::BrowserMainRunnerImpl::Run
   46.411  s :  │     │ (1) content::BrowserMainLoop::RunMainMessageLoopParts
   46.411  s :  │     │ (1) content::BrowserMainLoop::MainMessageLoopRun
   46.411  s :  │     │ (1) base::RunLoop::Run
   46.411  s :  │     │ (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::Run
   46.411  s :  │     │ (1) base::MessagePumpGlib::Run
   71.332 ms :  │     │  ├▶(1) base::MessageLoopImpl::DoWork
             :  │     │  │
   45.829  s :  │     │  └─(34) g_main_context_iteration
    5.630  s :  │     │     ├─(32) linux:schedule
             :  │     │     │
   40.151  s :  │     │     └─(1) base::_GLOBAL__N_1::WorkSourceDispatch
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::DoWork
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::DoWork
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::RunTask
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::internal::Invoker::RunOnce
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) headless::HeadlessDevToolsClientImpl::DispatchEventTask
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) base::internal::Invoker::Run
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) headless::page::Domain::DispatchLoadEventFiredEvent
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) headless::HeadlessShell::OnLoadEventFired
   40.151  s :  │     │       (1) headless::HeadlessShell::OnPageReady
   40.151  s :  │     │      ▶(1) headless::HeadlessShell::Shutdown

7.3. Renderer Process

    1.030  m : (1) chrome
   47.364  s :  ├▶(1) main
             :  │
    6.234  s :  ├─(1) content::RendererMain
   98.462 ms :  │  ├▶(1) content::RenderThreadImpl::RenderThreadImpl
             :  │  │
    6.124  s :  │  └─(1) base::RunLoop::Run
    6.124  s :  │    (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::Run
    6.124  s :  │    (1) base::MessagePumpDefault::Run
    4.459  s :  │     ├─(13) base::MessageLoopImpl::DoWork
    4.459  s :  │     │ (13) base::MessageLoopImpl::DoWork
    4.459  s :  │     │ (13) base::MessageLoopImpl::RunTask
    4.459  s :  │     │ (13) base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask
    4.459  s :  │     │ (13) base::internal::Invoker::Run
    4.459  s :  │     │ (13) base::sequence_manager::internal::ThreadControllerImpl::DoWork
    4.344  s :  │     │ (12) base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask
    1.953  s :  │     │  ├─(6) base::internal::Invoker::Run
   65.726 ms :  │     │  │  ├▶(1) IPC::_GLOBAL__N_1::ChannelAssociatedGroupController::AcceptOnProxyThread
             :  │     │  │  │
    1.888  s :  │     │  │  └─(5) blink::TaskHandle::Runner::Run
    1.888  s :  │     │  │    (5) base::internal::Invoker::RunOnce
    1.888  s :  │     │  │    (5) blink::HTMLParserScheduler::ContinueParsing
    1.888  s :  │     │  │    (5) blink::HTMLDocumentParser::PumpPendingSpeculations
    1.803  s :  │     │  │    (6) blink::HTMLDocumentParser::ProcessTokenizedChunkFromBackgroundParser
    1.667  s :  │     │  │     ├─(4) blink::HTMLParserScriptRunner::ProcessScriptElement
    1.667  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::HTMLParserScriptRunner::ProcessScriptElementInternal
    1.667  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::ScriptLoader::PrepareScript
    1.666  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::PendingScript::ExecuteScriptBlock
    1.665  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::PendingScript::ExecuteScriptBlockInternal
    1.665  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::ClassicScript::RunScript
    1.665  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::ScriptController::ExecuteScriptInMainWorld
    1.665  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::ScriptController::EvaluateScriptInMainWorld
    1.665  s :  │     │  │     │ (4) blink::ScriptController::ExecuteScriptAndReturnValue
  135.282 ms :  │     │  │     │  ├▶(2) blink::V8ScriptRunner::CompileScript
             :  │     │  │     │  │
    1.524  s :  │     │  │     │  └─(4) blink::V8ScriptRunner::RunCompiledScript
    1.524  s :  │     │  │     │    (4) v8::Script::Run
    1.524  s :  │     │  │     │    (4) v8::internal::Execution::Call
    1.524  s :  │     │  │     │    (4) v8::internal::_GLOBAL__N_1::Invoke
  721.268 ms :  │     │  │     │     ├─(1) v8::internal::Runtime_GetProperty
  721.267 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty
  721.264 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::Object::GetProperty
  721.263 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::Object::GetPropertyWithAccessor
  721.260 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::Builtins::InvokeApiFunction
  721.260 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::_GLOBAL__N_1::HandleApiCallHelper
  721.259 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) v8::internal::FunctionCallbackArguments::Call
  721.258 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) blink::V8HTMLElement::OffsetWidthAttributeGetterCallback
  721.257 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) blink::HTMLElement::offsetWidthForBinding
  721.236 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) blink::Document::EnsurePaintLocationDataValidForNode
  719.933 ms :  │     │  │     │     │ (1) blink::Document::UpdateStyleAndLayout
   31.066 ms :  │     │  │     │     │  ├─(1) blink::Document::UpdateStyleAndLayoutTree
             :  │     │  │     │     │  │
  688.864 ms :  │     │  │     │     │  └─(1) blink::LocalFrameView::UpdateLayout
  688.438 ms :  │     │  │     │     │    (1) blink::LocalFrameView::PerformLayout
  688.345 ms :  │     │  │     │     │    (1) blink::LayoutView::UpdateLayout
  688.341 ms :  │     │  │     │     │    (1) blink::LayoutBlock::UpdateLayout
  688.336 ms :  │     │  │     │     │    (1) blink::LayoutView::UpdateBlockLayout
  688.329 ms :  │     │  │     │     │    (1) blink::LayoutBlockFlow::UpdateBlockLayout
  148.730 ms :  │     │  │     │     │     ├▶(1) blink::LayoutBlockFlow::LayoutChildren
             :  │     │  │     │     │     │
  538.604 ms :  │     │  │     │     │     └─(1) blink::LayoutBlock::LayoutPositionedObjects
  538.603 ms :  │     │  │     │     │       (1) blink::LayoutBlock::LayoutPositionedObject
  538.600 ms :  │     │  │     │     │      ▶(1) blink::LayoutBlock::UpdateLayout
             :  │     │  │     │     │
   46.254 ms :  │     │  │     │     ├▶(1) v8::internal::Runtime_LoadIC_Miss
             :  │     │  │     │     │
  596.228 ms :  │     │  │     │     └▶(1) v8::internal::Builtin_HandleApiCall
             :  │     │  │     │
   69.122 ms :  │     │  │     ├▶(1) blink::HTMLTreeBuilder::ConstructTree
             :  │     │  │     │
   66.743 ms :  │     │  │     └▶(1) blink::HTMLDocumentParser::PrepareToStopParsing
             :  │     │  │
    2.390  s :  │     │  └▶(6) base::internal::Invoker::RunOnce
             :  │     │
    1.323  s :  │     └▶(9) base::WaitableEvent::TimedWaitUntil
             :  │
   37.208  s :  └▶(6) base::_GLOBAL__N_1::ThreadFunc

7.4. GPU Process

  439.557 ms : (1) chrome
  283.375 ms :  ├─(1) main
  283.375 ms :  │ (1) ChromeMain
  282.174 ms :  │ (1) headless::HeadlessShellMain
  282.174 ms :  │ (1) headless::HeadlessShellMain
  282.169 ms :  │ (1) headless::RunChildProcessIfNeeded
  282.122 ms :  │ (1) headless::_GLOBAL__N_1::RunContentMain
  282.103 ms :  │ (1) content::ContentMain
  282.098 ms :  │ (1) service_manager::Main
   20.642 ms :  │  ├▶(1) content::ContentServiceManagerMainDelegate::Initialize
             :  │  │
  261.199 ms :  │  └─(1) content::ContentServiceManagerMainDelegate::RunEmbedderProcess
  261.199 ms :  │    (1) content::ContentMainRunnerImpl::Run
  261.064 ms :  │    (1) content::RunOtherNamedProcessTypeMain
  261.059 ms :  │    (1) content::GpuMain
   54.474 ms :  │     ├─(1) gpu::GpuInit::InitializeAndStartSandbox
   28.751 ms :  │     │  ├─(1) gl::init::InitializeGLNoExtensionsOneOff
   28.700 ms :  │     │  │ (1) gl::init::_GLOBAL__N_1::InitializeGLOneOffHelper
   28.691 ms :  │     │  │ (1) gl::init::InitializeGLOneOffImplementation
   13.796 ms :  │     │  │  ├▶(1) gl::init::InitializeStaticGLBindings
             :  │     │  │  │
   14.894 ms :  │     │  │  └─(1) gl::init::InitializeGLOneOffPlatform
   14.875 ms :  │     │  │    (1) gl::GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOff
   14.209 ms :  │     │  │    (1) gl::GLSurfaceEGL::InitializeOneOffCommon
   10.358 ms :  │     │  │    (1) gl::InitializeGLContext
   10.357 ms :  │     │  │   ▶(1) gl::GLContextEGL::Initialize
             :  │     │  │
   24.909 ms :  │     │  └▶(2) gpu::_GLOBAL__N_1::CollectGraphicsInfo
             :  │     │
  200.349 ms :  │     └─(1) base::RunLoop::Run
  200.346 ms :  │       (1) base::MessageLoopImpl::Run
  200.346 ms :  │       (1) base::MessagePumpDefault::Run
    5.398 ms :  │        ├▶(1) base::WaitableEvent::TimedWaitUntil
             :  │        │
   28.873 ms :  │        └─(2) base::WaitableEvent::Wait
   28.872 ms :  │          (2) base::WaitableEvent::TimedWaitUntil
   28.835 ms :  │          (2) pthread_cond_wait
   28.812 ms :  │          (2) linux:schedule
             :  │
  156.181 ms :  └▶(3) base::_GLOBAL__N_1::ThreadFunc

8. Visualized trace output of chrome


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