#Setting up application
After git clone run the following command Go inside the cloned folder
$composer install
Copy the .env.example to env and do following modifications
$cp .env.example .env
Add the following application url in .env
This will need when running Selenium tests. Kindly note if not Selenium test cases will not run APP_URL=http://localhost/test/public
Create aa empty mysql database
Set database settings in .env file
DB_DATABASE=your_database DB_USERNAME=your_username DB_PASSWORD=your_password
Give permission for logs and public folders. Kindly note for the testing it would be ok to give chmod 777
$sudo chmod -R 777 storage/
Setting up databases
Run the following command to setup your database. This will create complete table structure in your database $php artisan migrate:refresh
Test card details for Stripe payments
Card Details
Jenny Rosen
4242 4242 4242 4242
Exp Month year 12/18
CVS 123
Testing Stripe payments
This is my test account to stripe please login and see once you done payments to verify.
Running PHPUnit and Selenium tests
Kindly note I have written considerable amount of unit test during the time I had with few selenium test to cover some of the sections You can see the unit test in tests/Feature directory
I have mocked the payment gatewal call so that Unit test will not intterupt due to payment gateway
Run the following command to run unit tests
Please note you need to install xdebug if you need see the code coverage report
$brew install php70-xdebug
Unit test will run without selenium server too
To test selenium test run the following command
$php artisan selenium:start
You will able to find the code coverage report in the following location