This is a suite of classes to interface with as part of the PHP Columbus Meetup Code Jam. The challenge is to compare two Poker hands, determine the winner, and determine each hand rank.
I chose the over-engineered approach because in essence this is simply a large if-elseif-else, and I don't make life easy.
cd pokerhand
composer install
php run.php <url>
php 10player.php
for a random, locally-created deck.
// Create a new poker hand collection from a feed.
$game = PokerHandCollection::createFromFeed(PokerHandFeedGenerator::createGameOf(2));
// Rank all the hands and sort them.
// The hands property is now sorted by the winner down.
foreach ($game->hands as $name => $hand) {
print $name . ": " . $hand->__toString() . "\n";
// See the static variables and constants in PokerHand for more information on
// how to format things nicely.
mkdir docs
vendor/bin/phpdoc -d lib -t docs
- ColumbusPHP\PokerHand\Collection\PokerHandCollection
- The main class for this library. Instantiate a PokerHandCollection with a PokerHandFeedInterface.
- PokerHandCollection::hands
- An associative array of PokerHand objects keyed by the hand name i.e. Player 1, Player 2.
- PokerHandCollection::data
- An associative array of normalized hand data from the feed keyed by the hand name, and contains an array of card data.
- A card array is an associative array similar to the array in PokerHand::hand. If a feed provides 10 as "T", then this will be converted back to 10.
- An associative array of normalized hand data from the feed keyed by the hand name, and contains an array of card data.
- ColumbusPHP\PokerHand\PokerHand
- Methods for interacting with a Poker hand to identify the bask rank 1-10 of a hand.
- PokerHand::hand
- An associative array of PlayingCard objects.
- PokerHand::hand_rank
- The base rank of the hand from 1 to 10 where 1 is high card and 10 is a royal straight flush.
// Format a poker hand as a UTF-8 string.
print $hand->__toString();
// Format the hand rank for a given hand of cards.
print $hand::ranks[$hand->hand_rank];
- ColumbusPHP\PlayingCard\PlayingCard
- A low-level class for representing a playing card. New.
- PlayingCard::value
- PlayingCard::card
- PlayingCard::suit
// Create a playing card from a string value.
$ace_of_spades = PlayingCard::createFromString('AS');
echo $ace_of_spades->__toString();
- Implements the feed interface for
- Implements a dummy feed that returns in the same format as PokerHandFeedPHPColumbus.
- Implements a feed and implements PokerHandGenerator to create greater than 2 players feed.
- ColumbusPHP\PokerHand\Feed\PokerHandFeedGenerator
- @todo use ColumbusPHP\PlayingCard\PlayingCard in the generator.
// This static method will generate the deck, shuffle, and add the players.
// The deck is generated in the fairly standard A23456789TJQK, SDCH order.
$game = PokerHandFeedGenerator::createGameOf(5);
// Deal 5 cards to each of the 5 players for a total of 25 cards. The current
// player recieves the next card from the deck, and then the internal pointer
// is reset.
for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) {
mkdir coverage
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html coverage lib/Tests
- High Card
- One Pair
- Two Pair
- Three of a Kind
- Straight
- Flush
- Full House
- Four of a Kind
- Straight Flush
- Royal Flush