- docker-compose
- java 8
- yarn
- Start Redis, Redis GUI, AxonServer:
docker-composer up
- Build app: run
./mvnw package
- Start domain:
java -Dspring.profiles.active=domain -jar target/axon-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Start query:
java -Dspring.profiles.active=query -jar target/axon-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Start client:
java -Dspring.profiles.active=client -jar target/axon-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- start front-end:
cd front-end && yarn dev
- Go to: http://localhost:3000
The problem with CQRS/Event Sourcing is when you write data (by sending a command) is not transactional, you don't know when your view/projection will
be updated. When your front-end app send a CreateCart
http request, client app will just acknowledge the command if everything went
well or not, but you have no clue if your query app have build the projection.
- In your front-end app, retry request until the data is available. PRO: simple, easy? CON: Lot of request, flood network until the data is available
- In your client app, you can make the command transactional by adding in the transaction the time to put the projection updated. PRO: like the old way (meh!) CON: difficult and you need to have a compatible infrastructure
- In your client app, expose a subscriber (like realtime database from firebase) end point so front-end app can be advertise on every change. PRO: clean, scalable CON: difficult and you need to have a compatible infrastructure
I prefer the last solution, it's more elegant, clean and scalable. The good things is we can do it with the actual infrastructure: Redis and AxonServer
- You can configure Redis by setting the option
(in ./docker-compose.yml) that send a message on every set/add/update on redis data. - AxonServer give us
that allow us to subscribe to every change on a query - In front-end app we will use Server Sent Event to receive in real time data changed
BONUS: with this solution all the devices connected to the same cart will be updated in real time.
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Access AxonServer UI: http://localhost:8024
- Access to Redis UI: http://localhost:9090