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Command Line Options

Matthew Manela edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 10 revisions
Chutzpah console test runner  (64-bit .NET 4.0.30319.42000)
Copyright (C) 2018 Matthew Manela (

usage: chutzpah.console [options]
usage: chutzpah.console <testFile> [options]

Valid options:
  /nologo                      : Do not show the copyright message
  /silent                      : Do not output running test count
  /teamcity                    : Forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)
  /wait                        : Wait for input after completion
  /failOnError                 : Return a non-zero exit code if any script errors or timeouts occurs
  /debug                       : Print debugging information and tracing to console
  /trace                       : Logs tracing information to chutzpah.log
  /engine [name]               : Run using Phantom, JSDom or Chrome.
  /openInBrowser [name]        : Launch the tests in a browser.
                               : If optional name is provided will try to launch in that browser.
  /browserArgs                 : Optional arguments used when launching browser, e.g. --allow-file-access-from-files for chrome.
                               : Name can be IE, Firefox, Chrome.
  /parallelism [n]             : Max degree of parallelism for Chutzpah. Defaults to number of CPUs + 1
                               : If you specify more than 1 the test output may be a bit jumbled
  /path path                   : Adds a path to a folder or file to the list of test paths to run.
                               : Specify more than one to add multiple paths.
                               : If you give a folder, it will be scanned for testable files.
                               : (e.g. /path test1.html /path testFolder)
  /vsoutput                    : Print output in a format that the VS error list recognizes
  /coverage                    : Enable coverage collection
  /showFailureReport           : Show a failure report after the test run. Usefull if you have a large number of tests.
  /settingsFileEnvironment     : Sets the environment properties for a chutzpah.json settings file.
                               : Specify more than one to add multiple environments.
                               : (e.g. settingsFilePath;prop1=val1;prop2=val2).
  /proxy                       : Sets the proxy server and port if the test require reference to external uri.
  /junit filename              : output results to JUnit-style XML file
  /lcov filename              : outputs results as LCOV data for further processing
  /trx filename              : output results to Visual Studio Trx file
  /nunit2 filename              : output results to NUnit-style XML file
  /coveragehtml filename              : Outputs the default Chutzpah coverage HTML
  /coveragejson filename              : Outputs the default Chutzpah coverage JSON
  /emma filename              : output coverage results to an Emma-style XML file
  /jacoco filename              : output coverage results to an Jacoco-style XML file