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Blueprint Functions and Events

Mickael Daniel edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page describes the BlueprintCallable functions and BlueprintAssignable events you can use in your Blueprints.


  • void TargetActor(): Main Function to call to target a new actor, or untarget if locked on already.
  • void TargetLockOff(): Function to call to manually untarget.
  • void TargetActorWithAxisInput(float AxisValue): Function to call to target a new actor with Axis input, on right or left.
  • AActor* GetLockedOnTargetActor(): Returns the reference to currently targeted Actor if any.
  • bool IsLocked(): Returns true / false whether the system is targeting an actor.


  • OnTargetLockedOff(AActor* TargetActor): Called when a target is locked off, either if it is out of reach (based on MinimumDistanceToEnable) or behind an Object.
  • OnTargetLockedOn(AActor* TargetActor): Called when a target is locked on.
  • OnTargetSetRotation(AActor* TargetActor, FRotator ControlRotation): You can assign this event if you want to take control over the rotation of the character. This is called every frame when the system is targeting something.
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