Principal and useful extensions:
- Id: coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer
- Description: A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets
- Publisher: CoenraadS
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: mhutchie.git-graph
- Description: View a Git Graph of your repository, and perform Git actions from the graph.
- Publisher: mhutchie
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: eamodio.gitlens
- Description: Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more
- Publisher: Eric Amodio
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: pkief.material-icon-theme
- Description: Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
- Publisher: Philipp Kief
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: equinusocio.vsc-material-theme
- Description: The most epic theme now for Visual Studio Code
- Publisher: Equinusocio
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- Description: Makes it easy to create, manage, and debug containerized applications.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-toolsai.jupyter
- Description: Jupyter notebook support, interactive programming and computing that supports Intellisense, debugging and more.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ritwickdey.liveserver
- Description: Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages
- Publisher: Ritwick Dey
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
- Description: Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-vscode.cpptools
- Description: C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-python.python
- Description: IntelliSense (Pylance), Linting, Debugging (multi-threaded, remote), Jupyter Notebooks, code formatting, refactoring, unit tests, and more.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: kevinglasson.cornflakes-linter
- Description: Wrapper for Python flake8 linter and associated plugins. It rectifies current issues with displaying ALL flake8 problems in the problems tab.
- Version: 0.5.1
- Publisher: kevinglasson
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh
- Description: Open any folder on a remote machine using SSH and take advantage of VS Code's full feature set.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- VS Marketplace Link:
- Id: scalameta.metals
- Description: Scala language server with rich IDE features
- Publisher: Scalameta
- VS Marketplace Link: