Swift package to parse SubRip Text (SRT) subtitles.
You can add swift-srt-parser
to an Xcode project by adding it to your project as a package.
If you want to use swift-srt-parser
in a SwiftPM project, it's as
simple as adding it to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/mihai8804858/swift-srt-parser", from: "1.0.0")
And then adding the product to any target that needs access to the library:
.product(name: "SRTParser", package: "swift-srt-parser"),
- Create an instance of
private let parser = SRTParser()
- Get the SRT contents:
let contents = ...
- Parse the contents into a structured model:
let srt = try parser.parse(contents)
- Print an
model back into raw contents:
let contents = try parser.print(srt)
let contents = """
00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:20,375
{\an8}Senator, we're making
our <b>final</b> approach into {u}Coruscant{/u}.
00:02:20,476 --> 00:02:22,501 X1:201 X2:516 Y1:397 Y2:423
{b}Very good, {i}Lieutenant{/i}{/b}.
dump(try SRTParser().parse(contents))
▿ SRTParser.SRT
▿ cues: 2 elements
▿ SRTParser.SRT.Cue
- counter: 1
▿ metadata: SRTParser.SRT.CueMetadata
▿ timing: SRTParser.SRT.Timing
▿ start: SRTParser.SRT.Time
- hours: 0
- minutes: 2
- seconds: 17
- milliseconds: 440
▿ end: SRTParser.SRT.Time
- hours: 0
- minutes: 2
- seconds: 20
- milliseconds: 375
- coordinates: nil
▿ position: Optional(SRTParser.SRT.Position.topCenter)
- some: SRTParser.SRT.Position.topCenter
▿ text: SRTParser.SRT.StyledText
▿ components: 5 elements
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "Senator, we\'re making\nour "
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.bold
▿ bold: (1 element)
▿ children: 1 element
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "final"
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: " approach into "
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.underline
▿ underline: (1 element)
▿ children: 1 element
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "Coruscant"
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "."
▿ SRTParser.SRT.Cue
- counter: 2
▿ metadata: SRTParser.SRT.CueMetadata
▿ timing: SRTParser.SRT.Timing
▿ start: SRTParser.SRT.Time
- hours: 0
- minutes: 2
- seconds: 20
- milliseconds: 476
▿ end: SRTParser.SRT.Time
- hours: 0
- minutes: 2
- seconds: 22
- milliseconds: 501
▿ coordinates: Optional(SRTParser.SRT.Coordinates(x1: 201, x2: 516, y1: 397, y2: 423))
▿ some: SRTParser.SRT.Coordinates
- x1: 201
- x2: 516
- y1: 397
- y2: 423
- position: nil
▿ text: SRTParser.SRT.StyledText
▿ components: 2 elements
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.bold
▿ bold: (1 element)
▿ children: 2 elements
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "Very good, "
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.italic
▿ italic: (1 element)
▿ children: 1 element
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "Lieutenant"
▿ SRTParser.SRT.StyledText.Component.plain
▿ plain: (1 element)
- text: "."
let srt = SRT(cues: [
counter: 1,
metadata: SRT.CueMetadata(
timing: SRT.Timing(
start: SRT.Time(hours: 0, minutes: 2, seconds: 17, milliseconds: 440),
end: SRT.Time(hours: 0, minutes: 2, seconds: 20, milliseconds: 375)
coordinates: SRT.Coordinates(x1: 201, x2: 516, y1: 397, y2: 423),
position: nil
text: SRT.StyledText(components: [
.plain(text: "Senator, we're making\nour "),
.bold(children: [.plain(text: "final")]),
.plain(text: " approach into "),
.underline(children: [.plain(text: "Coruscant")]),
.plain(text: ".")
counter: 2,
metadata: SRT.CueMetadata(
timing: SRT.Timing(
start: SRT.Time(hours: 0, minutes: 2, seconds: 20, milliseconds: 476),
end: SRT.Time(hours: 0, minutes: 2, seconds: 22, milliseconds: 501)
coordinates: nil,
position: .bottomCenter
text: SRT.StyledText(components: [
.bold(children: [
.plain(text: "Very good, "),
.italic(children: [.plain(text: "Lieutenant")])
.plain(text: ".")
print(try SRTParser().print(srt))
00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:20,375 X1:201 X2:516 Y1:397 Y2:423
Senator, we're making
our <b>final</b> approach into <u>Coruscant</u>.
00:02:20,476 --> 00:02:22,501
{\an2}<b>Very good, <i>Lieutenant</i></b>.
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.