A web application that parses and analyzes logical expressions. At this point, it supports conjunction, disjunction and negation, as well as conditional implication and equivalence.
- Pretty printing (with unicode characters)
- Automatically converts phi, psi and theta to φ, ψ, θ
- Flexible plain text input support
- Displays alternate forms (currently only negative normal form)
- Other alternative forms (DNF, CNF)
- Generating truth tables with each subexpression as column
- Refactoring the code to extract a library that deals with parsing and symbolic manipulation
- Improving the (visual) design
- Finding a picture of a wild boar that looks like it understands logic (to use it as logo/header pic)
Simply input the query as plain text. The variables can be any alphanumerical string, or phi, psi and theta. Operators can be written as:
- and, &, ∧
- or, |, ∨
- not, !, ~, ¬
- implies, implication, =>, ⇒
- equivalent, equivalence, <=>, ⇔