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TypeORM example

日本語 (Japanese)

The example usage of TypeORM with MySQL.

TypeORM Logo Image


This repogitory contains:

  • Node.js Backend API (Communicate MySQL with TypeORM) (accesible from host at PORT 13000)
  • MySQL

The above are provided with Docker Container so you need to be able to run Docker Compose command.

  • Database TimeZone is set to Japanese (Asia/Tokyo). If you want to change TimeZone, please edit environment variables written in docker-compose.yml.

Getting Started

Launch docker containers with Docker Compose command.

docker-compose up

Then, DB migration runs automatically and table will be created.

We assume the website where users post reviews for stores. The default tables are stores and reviews .

Stores Table

Field Type Null Key
id int(11) NO PRI
score float NO
name varchar(255) NO
address varchar(255) NO
genre varchar(255) NO

Reviews Table

Field Type Null Key
id int(11) NO PRI
storeId int(11) NO
score float NO
title text NO
content text NO

MySQL Login

You can log in MySQL in docker container by executing the following command.

docker exec -it typeorm-example-db mysql -u user -ppass example

MySQL Dump

You can dump MySQL by executing the following command.

docker exec typeorm-example-db mysqldump -u user -ppass example > dump.sql

Create Migration File

# From Host Machine
docker exec -it typeorm-example-api yarn create:migration myFooBarTable

# Inside Container
$(npm bin)/ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register $(npm bin)/typeorm migration:create -n myFooBarTable

Then edit api/src/migration/myFooBarTable/

Execute Migration

docker exec -it typeorm-example-api yarn migrate

# The following command revert migration
# docker exec -it typeorm-example-api yarn migrate:revert

# Inside Container
yarn migrate


Create a store

# Create a store
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"my shop name", "genre":"Fast Food", "address":"Tokyo, Japan"}' http://localhost:13000/stores

Update a store

# Updtate a store
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"my new shop name", "genre":" NEW Fast Food", "address":"Kyoto, Japan"}' http://localhost:13000/stores/1

Delete a store

# Delete a store
curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:13000/stores/2

Get all store

# Get all store with child reviews
curl -X GET http://localhost:13000/stores 

Get a store

# Get a store
curl -X GET http://localhost:13000/stores/1

Get a store with MySQL LIKE operator query

# Get a store with MySQL LIKE operator query
curl -X GET "http://localhost:13000/stores/find/likeName?name=new"

Get a store with MySQL FullText Search (ngram)

# Get a store with MySQL FullText Search (ngram)
curl "http://localhost:13000/stores/find/fullText?name=new&address=Kyoto&genre=Fast"

Create one review and calculate and set store's avarage score (Transaction)

# Create one review and calculate and set store's avarage score
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"storeId":1, "score": 5, "title":"Good!", "content": "Yummy!"}' http://localhost:13000/reviews


The example repogitory for typeorm






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