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Peter Ombwa edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell

What is Microsoft Graph?

Microsoft Graph is a unified endpoint for accessing data, intelligence, and insights in Microsoft 365. You can find more information at You can also get started trying out queries right away against your own account using the Graph Explorer.

Why an SDK?

Users can begin developing immediately by connecting with the REST API directly if they desire. If you are interested in diving right into Graph data, the SDK provides a few shortcuts:

  • HTTP logic is handled for you so you reduce the amount of boilerplate you need to get started. This includes retries, redirects and many more handlers.
  • The SDK handles retrieval and caching of access tokens for you. For interactive scenarios, all you need is a list scopes. For scripted scenarios, all you need is a client id, tenant id and a certificate.
  • The SDK handles deserialization of JSON responses into PowerShell objects instead of working directly with JSON.
  • An extra layer of error handling and intelligent defaults help you debug your application.
  • Commands make it easy for you to discover paths through which you can access the rich data stores in Graph.
  • Helpers for Graph functionality, such as pagination and Invoke-GraphRequest, simplify accomplishing specific scenarios.
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