WebSocket protocol implementation with minimal memory overhead.
package main
import (
func handshake(wsc *websocket.Connection, req *http.Request, rspw http.ResponseWriter) websocket.HandlerFunc {
reverse := false
if r := req.FormValue("reverse"); r == "1" {
reverse = true
return func(wsc *websocket.Connection) error {
return handler(wsc, reverse)
func handler(wsc *websocket.Connection, reverse bool) error {
for {
msg, err := wsc.Recv()
if err != nil {
return err
switch msg.Opcode {
case websocket.OPCODE_PING:
msg.Opcode = websocket.OPCODE_PONG
err := wsc.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
case websocket.OPCODE_PONG:
// okay, pong
case websocket.OPCODE_TEXT, websocket.OPCODE_BINARY:
if string(msg.Body) == "exit" {
if reverse {
l : = len(msg.Body)
for i := 0; i < l/2; i++ {
msg.Body[i], msg.Body[l-i-1] = msg.Body[l-i-1], msg.Body[i]
err := wsc.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
server := websocket.NewServer(websocket.Config{
Addr: ":443",
CertFile: "/path/to/cert.crt",
KeyFile: "/path/to/cert.key",
Handshake: handshake,
MaxMsgLen: 16 * 1024 * 1024,
SockReadBuffer: 4 * 1024 * 1024,
SockWriteBuffer: 4 * 1024 * 1024,
IOStatistics: true,
LogLevel: websocket.LOG_INFO,
go func() {
Maximal length of message, that can be buffered into memory
TCP read/write buffer sizes (in kernel) In case you don't read much data from socket - you may set minimal size
Userspace buffer for parsing http request and sending http response. Http requests may containg long headers, you may need large enough buffers for handshake.
Userspace buffer for websocket framing protocol. Websocket is simple protocol, you may set the minimal value - 16 byte to avoid userspace buffering. It will increase number of syscalls, but saves some memory.
Enables IO statistics - number of currently reading and writing connections.
Server log level. With DEBUG will print all sent and received frames.
Timeouts to read http request and send http response (handshake).
Timeout to wait for websocket Close (ack) frame.
Enables TCP KeepAlive if not zero.
Standard http server but doesn't allow fine-tuning of connections and buffers. So it's consumes more memory and decrease maximal number of connections per server.