, a leaderboard of top open-source applications for Google App Engine.
Missing a static site generator here? Just fork the repo and add your generator
as a <name>.md
in the source/projects
Make sure to follow the following rules:
- Static Site Generation: No "flat-file CMSs" or similar tools. The program must be able to output a static website that can be hosted in places like Netlify, S3 or Github Pages.
- Open Source: The generator must have a public repository on Github that we can link to and pull in stats from.
- Stick to the format: Fill out all the same fields as the other static site generators in
. - Short description: Keep all the details for the body text, keep the description for the overview page short and sweet.
awesome-appengine is built with Middleman. To install and run locally:
git clone
cd awesome-appengine
bundle install
bundle exec middleman
You'll run into GitHub's API limits very quickly if you just do this. To avoid this we recommend you create a Github API token with permissions to access public repositories and Gist.
Then create a Gist with a single file data.json
with an empty javascript object literal as content: {}
Then set these environment variables before running middleman:
Then middleman will use the Gist you specified to archive stats (stars, forks and issues) for the repositories.
awesome-appengine is built and maintained by Netlify, a hosting and automation service for static websites and apps.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.