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This traceability-viewer, a standalone tool, visualizes a collection of traceable documentation items in a network graph. This allows the user to gain a better understanding of the relationships between different items. Each node in the network graph represents an item, and can be grouped in layers, based on its identifier, or force-directed. This and more options are configurable.

It was originally designed to use the JSON database exported by our Sphinx traceability plugin as input but any JSON database can work if it meets the minimum requirements, explained in this section.

Getting Started

We use the tool Docker Compose to define and share multi-container applications. This tool makes use of a docker-compose.yml file. The .env file is meant to store and define environment variables, which are used in the docker-compose.yml file and in Python scripts.

First, you need to install Docker Compose.

After installation, copy the JSON database file to this project's folder, copy the .env.example to .env and customize it.

# copy traceability_export.json file to project folder
cp /path/to/traceability_export.json .
# copy example .env to your .env
cp .env.example .env

Lastly, use docker compose to start the application.

docker compose up --build --remove-orphans

After a successful build, you can start the traceability viewer at port 8000 on the defined IP_ADDRESS. If you use as IP_ADDRESS, it`s

JSON Database

Our Sphinx plugin mlx.traceability can be configured to export its collection of traceable documentation items in JSON format.

The environment variable JSON_EXPORT needs to be defined when you want to use the traceability viewer. This is the path to the JSON file that contains all the data. The items in the JSON file needs to have at least a name and targets.

It should be structured as (this is the minimum required):

        "name" : "<name-of-item>",
        "targets": {
            "<relation-type-1>": [
            "<relation-type-2>": [


The configuration takes the form of a YAML file. The config.yml is an example that requires modification.



html_documentation_root is an optional configuration parameter.


Make sure the pathname or URL of html_documentation_root ends with a /.

The root of the the HTML project documentation; either a pathname or a URL.

This configuration parameter can only be used if the JSON database contains a "document" attribute with the relative path to the reST file in which the item is defined, and if the item ID/name is appended to the HTML filename with a #. Our traceability-plugin does both.



layered is a required configuration parameter.

The boolean option to layer the nodes or not.

  • true: the layers will be made according to the layers configuration parameter.
  • false: there are no layers. The nodes will be force directed.



layers is only required when layered is true.

The layers can be a list or a dict of regular expressions.

  • list: A list is used when there is only one regular expressions needed per layer.
  • dict: A dictionary is used when there are two regular expressions needed per layer.

The order of the layers defines the layer's position. The top and bottom layers are respectively to the first and last layer defined in the list or dict.



item_colors is an optional configuration parameter, but keep in mind that when it is not specified, all nodes will be black (others).

A dictionary where the key is a regular expression and the value is the desired color of the node. The regular expression is used to match (the beginning of) the name of a node with that particalor regular expression. The color can be an existing color name or a code (hex, rgb or hsl).

If item_colors is not specified, it automatically adds following code to the configuration file.

    others: black

If item_colors is defined but others isn't, it automatically adds others: black to item_colors.



link_colors is an optional configuration parameter, but keep in mind that when it is not specified, all relationships between nodes will be black (others).

A dictionary where the key is the name of relationship type and the value is the desired color of the relationship. The color can be an existing color name or a code (hex, rgb or hsl).

If link_colors is not specified, it automatically adds following code to the configuration file.

    others: black

If link_colors is defined but others isn't, it automatically adds others: black to link_colors.



backwards_relationships is a required configuration parameter.

A dictionary where the key is the backwards relationship and the value the forward relationship. To reduct the amount of links, only the forward relationhsips (values) will be displayed.



visualised_properties is an optional configuration parameter.

A list of all item properties to display after selecting a node. By default, its name/ID will be displayed, and, in case html_documentation_root has been configured, the link to the item definition in your project documentation,.


Home Page

The home page looks like the following image. It consists of the bottons on top, two input fields respectively for a Cypher query and search for a node and at the bottom the interactions with showed network.

home overview

Cypher Query

The input field for submitting a cypher query has two tooltips: tooltip help This is a link to the Cypher cheat sheet of Neo4j.

tooltip query This tooltip makes you aware of the keywords that are not allowed.

The input field has an autocompletion as shown in this figure: autocomplete query Suggestions starting with the same letter as the input, will be on top, followed by the suggestions containing it.


The search input field has as well autocompletion as shown in this figure: autocomplete query

The suggestions only contain the names of nodes because there is nothing else allowed.

Group Filter

The group filter are based on the configuration file. If layers is given, these unique groups are groups to filter on. When layers is nog defined, the groups are based on the groups of the item_colors. The filter button gives a filtring on the specified group (the name of the button), with all their connecting nodes. An example of such an filter is shown in the following image.


The legend is based on the visible nodes and links. When diffrent nodes or links are added, the legend will be updated.


Hide Groups

When clicking a group of the legend, this group will disappear. When clicking again, it reverts to previous.

hide group

Hide Links

When clicking a link of the legend, this link will disappear. When clicking again, it reverts to previous.

hide group

Selecting a Node

You can click on a node to select it. Additional info about the node will be displayed in the top left corner and two additional buttons pop up:

select node

Hovering a Node

When hovering a nodes, the name of that node is shown. In the previous image, the black node at the bottom was hovered by the mouse.

HTML link in Info of Node

When html_documentation_root is specified, the name of the node will be a link to the documentation of that specific node.

Highlight Connected Nodes

The button with the eye-icon highlights all nodes that are directly connected to the selected node and makes other nodes transparent.

highlight connected nodes

Add/Show Connecting Nodes

When you selected a node and click the button Add/show connecting nodes, all nodes that are connected to it are obtained and displayed, if there are any.

before adding

before pushing the button

add connecting nodes

after pushing the button

Node labels

The labels/names of the nodes are shown when the checkbox of Nodes with labels is active.

show labels

Zoom buttons

There are three buttons for zooming, respectively zoom in, zoom out and zoom till the network fits the canvas.

zoom buttons


When an error occurs, a notification pops up at the top of the page. In the example below, an invalid Cypher query was submitted:


You can show the error by clicking Show error message:


You can close the error by clicking X. If the error is not closed and another error occurs, all errors will be listed at the top of the page.

Planned Features

  • Errors could be popping up, you need to close it before you can go further. That way the user can't miss it.
  • Faster rendering; open to suggestions
  • Instead of disabling the button when submitted, stop the previous request when another submit is done.
  • A node that has no group and thus belongs to the group others, is now centered at height. Better would be to position this node on the same height as the first node that is connected to it.
  • Add a reset button to remove/undo the active filter.
  • Add the possibility to exclude items from the JSON database with a regular expressions that match their name. For example, exclude all items that start with MLX.
  • A filter button that has no data remains disabled. It would be better to make the button available with the info that there is no match with that particular filter group.
  • Add a spinner in the tab when something is loading. For example, you request a large set of data via a Cypher query. That way you can do something else while waiting and look when the loading is done.