Distribution-based non-parametric similarity measure for multi-dimensional datasets
Easy-to-use Perl implementation of the Friedman Rafsky Test as described in
EL Saddik, Abdulmotaleb; Vuong, Son; Griwodz, Carsten; Del Bimbo, Alberto; Candan, K. Selcuk; Jaimes, Alejandro et al. (2008): Distribution-based similarity measures for multi-dimensional point set retrieval applications. In: Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '08: ACM Press, S. 429.
The code is written into a single script file called fr_test.pl
and consists of a workflow with 5 steps:
- Compute distance matrix,
- Create minimal spanning tree MST using Prim Algorithm
- Compute number of runs
- Compute mean, variance, permutation parameter and quantity W
- Compute similarity measure
Two example datasets dataset_a.txt and dataset_b.txt are located in the same directory as the actual script. An examplary similarity score can be computed via the command
./fr_test.pl dataset_a.txt dataset_b.txt 1 -1
List::Util qw(sum)
The input takes two tab-delimited flat files (matrices l x n and m x n) with n attributes, followed by two flags {-1,1}. The first flag denotes whether the files contain headers, the second denotes whether to print the distance table or not.
path/to/fr_test.pl path/to/dataset1.txt path/to/dataset2.txt 1 1
Similarity score is in the interval of [0,1]. A score of 1 denotes the highest similarity.
Total weight of MST: 25528.1492793117
Number of FR-Runs: 38
FR-Permutation parameter C: 130
FR-Variance: 24.5808601478705
FR-Mean: 51
FR-Quantity W: -2.62207321631284
Datasets 'A' and 'B' have a similarity score of 0.436999999999999