Migrate code projects from Redmine to Gitlab, keeping issues/milestones/metadata
- Per-project migrations
- Migration of issues, keeping as much metadata as possible:
- redmine trackers become tags
- redmine categories become tags
- issues comments are kept and assigned to the right users
- issues final status (open/closed) are kept along with open/close date (not detailed status history)
- issues assignments are kept
- issues numbers (ex:
) - issues/notes authors
- issues/notes original dates, but as comments
- issue attachements
- issue related changesets
- issues custom fields (if specified)
- relations including children and parent (although gitlab model for relations is simpler)
- keep creation/edit dates as metadata
- remember who closed the issue
- convert Redmine's textile format issues to GitLab's markdown
- possible to map to different users in GitLab
- Migration of Versions/Roadmaps keeping:
- issues composing the version
- statuses & due dates
- Migrate users, groups, and permissions (redmine ACL model is complex and cannot be transposed 1-1 to gitlab ACL)
- Migrate repositories (piece of cake to do by hand, + redmine allows multiple repositories per project where gitlab does not)
- Migrate wikis (because we don't use them at @oasiswork, feel free to contribute)
- Migrate the whole redmine installation at once, because namespacing is different in redmine and gitlab
- Archive the redmine project for you
- Keep "watchers" on tickets (gitlab API v3 does not expose it)
- Keep dates/times as metadata
- Keep track of issue relations orientation (no such notion on gitlab)
- Migrate tags (redmine_tags plugin), as they are not exposed in gitlab API
- Python >= 3.4
- gitlab >= 7.0
- redmine >= 1.3
- Admin token on redmine
- Admin token on gitlab
- No preexisting issues on gitlab project
- Already synced users (those required in the project you are migrating)
(Original version was developed/tested around redmine 2.5.2, gitlab 8.2.0, python 3.4) (Updated version was developed/tested around redmine 2.4.3, gitlab 9.0.4, python 3.6)
You can or can not use virtualenvs, that's up to you.
Install it:
pip install redmine-gitlab-migrator
(or if you cloned the git: python setup.py install
You can then give it a check without touching anything:
migrate-rg issues --redmine-key xxxx --gitlab-key xxxx \
<redmine project url> <gitlab project url> --check
The --check
here prevents any writing , it's available on all
migrate-rg --help
This process is for each project, order matters.
It doesn't neet to be named the same, you just have to record it's URL (eg: https://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject).
Manual operation, project members in gitlab need to have the same username as members in redmine. Every member that interacted with the redmine project should be added to the gitlab project. If a corresponding user can't be found in gitlab, the issue/comment will be assigned to the gitlab admin user.
If you do use roadmaps, redmine versions will be converted to gitlab milestones. If you don't, just skip this step.
migrate-rg roadmap --redmine-key xxxx --gitlab-key xxxx \
https://redmine.example.com/projects/myproject \
http://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject --check
(remove --check
to perform it for real, same applies for other commands)
migrate-rg issues --redmine-key xxxx --gitlab-key xxxx \
https://redmine.example.com/projects/myproject \
http://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject --check
Note that your issue titles will be annotated with the original redmine issue ID, like -RM-1186-MR-logging. This annotation will be used (and removed) by the next step.
At least redmine 2.1.2 has no closed_on field, so you have to specify the names of the states which define closed issues. defaults to closed,rejected
--closed-states closed,rejected,wontfix
If you want to migrate redmine custom fields (as description), you can specify
--custom-fields Customer,ZendeskIssueId
If you're using SSL with self signed cerificates and get an requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:600) error, you can disable certificate validation with
You can retain the issues ID from redmine, this cannot be done via REST API, thus it requires direct access to the gitlab machine.
So you have to log in the gitlab machine (eg. via SSH), and then issue the commad with sufficient rights, from there:
migrate-rg iid --gitlab-key xxxx \
http://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject --check
A bare matter of git remote set-url && git push
, see git documentation.
Note that gitlab does not support multiple repositories per project, you'll have to reorganize your projects if you were using that feature of Redmine.
If you want to.
You're good to go :).
Since redmine has a common https://redmine.company.tld/issues/{issueid} url for issues, you can't create a generic redirect in apache.
This command creates redirect rules that you can place in your .htaccess
migrate-rg redirect --redmine-key xxxx --gitlab-key xxxx \
https://redmine.example.com/projects/myproject \
http://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject > htaccess.example
The content of htaccess.example will be
# uncomment next line to enable RewriteEngine
# RewriteEngine On
# Redirects from https://redmine.example.com/projects/myproject to https://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject
RedirectMatch 301 ^/issues/1$ https://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject/issues/1
RedirectMatch 301 ^/issues/2$ https://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject/issues/2
RedirectMatch 301 ^/issues/999$ https://git.example.com/mygroup/myproject/999
Use the standard way:
python setup.py test
Or use whatever test runner you fancy.