The purpose of this repository is to provide service definitions to:
- quickly and safely restore a system in the case of a crash
- save time when extending and managing a system
- provide documentation for old and new people
For each service there is a role.
The services can be setup via Ansible. There is a Vagrant definition to test provisioning on a local virtual machine.
- Nginx forwards to MDOS and Letsencrypt
- Letsencrypt SSL certificate
- MDOS Django app
- GPIO to Feather M0/RFM69 door backend and door frontend
- use PlatformIO to build firmware for frontend and backend
- ALSA config
- Printer drivers
- Nodes for info-beamer
Start the virtual machine:
vagrant up
SSH into machine:
vagrant ssh
Run provision:
ansible-playbook --private-key=.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key -u ubuntu -i .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory site.yml