Enables the use of Multi Camera Adapter Module on Raspberry Pi. This software creates the visualization by separating the multiplexed images provided by the Arducam Multi Camera Adapter Module.
At the terminal, install all dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo rpi-update
$ sudo apt-get install g++ libopencv-dev python-dev python-numpy python-opencv opencv-docs ffmpeg
Clone repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/maikbasso/multi-camera-raspberry-pi.git
$ python multi-camera-raspberry-pi/multi-camera.py
During the execution of the software, enter the number of cameras installed on the adapter. The minimum number of cameras for the software is 1 and the maximum number is 4.
In the code, search for the line displayImage (img, 1)
. Using as parameter: 1 for the visualization of all the cameras in a window, and 2 for visualization in separate windows.