Hi guys!
Here is the latest revision of my favorite hobby project based on Multiwii project. In two words: it's pretty stable, improved and extended version of Multiwii.
INS (inertial navigation system) integrated with GPS and Baro
predefined PIDs to fly out of the box for frames 330 and bigger
completely different precise althold integrated with INS
right altitude management by setting desired vario (vertical speed) with throttle stick
single PID controller for hovering and altitude management
stable hovering trottle estimator/corrector by I-part of alt PID controller
smart land detector
reduced effect of air-cushion to avoid incorrect raw baro values and jumps near the ground accordingly (integrated with INS)
controllable by desired vario (vertical speed) landing
new SAFE_ALT_DURING_AH define. It helps to protect descending less than specified in define altitude. Activated when SAFE_ALT box activated in GUI.
precise, rapid, sensitive to external perturbations (wind, pushes) GPS-INS position hold (INS_PH_NAV_ON define)
possibility to fly with activated position hold and stop at predicted point on stick release (tunable by Pos-I value at GUI)
wait for target altitude at RTH and WP navigation
skip whole RTH cycle if distance less than RTH_RADIUS meters and make a landing
safe and soft takeoff on RTH and WP Navigation
for safety prevent arm if RTH or NAV switched on
new auto config defines for UBLOX and MTK3339 modules
precised gyro calibration + 3 axis acel calibration + filtered mag calibration to avoid min/max noise values
frsky telemetry adopted for er9x-frsky TX firmware
50hz PID output for althold, gps modes
cycle time independent final PID controller
optimized math
a lot of fixes
For more details please read release_note.txt, see config.h and also here http://forum.rcdesign.ru/blogs/83206/blog22332.html
Tips and tricks:
- for INS it's better to use u-blox modules with revision from 6 to 8 (although 7th was not tested). With MTK modules position hold is less precise but in general it's ok also, where PID parameters has to be ~20% less for its.
- for INS it's good to have calibrated accel in 3 axises with +/-512 for each axis with error +/-(1-3)
- for configuration the best tool is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ezio.multiwii
- for this release arduino 1.6.7 was used https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/OldSoftwareReleases
- before 1st upload clean eeprom http://forum.rcdesign.ru/f123/thread283798-74.html#post4263236
This firmware was optimized for AIOP (ALL IN ONE PRO Flight Controller), or other with Atmega1280/2560 + mpu6050 + ms5611 + hmc5883 (but take care about pinout). But you can try to play with other sensors also.
Videos from my friend's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/artnesterof/videos
- https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2787668
- http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7877
- http://forum.rcdesign.ru/blogs/83206/
Enjoy! ;)