LPR with Google Cloud Vision AI with Python Client Library.
This is a simple lib to use Google Cloud to read Licens Plate numbers.
The script find the object "Licens Plate", crop the plate, and detect the plate text.
Google Console Account. Create a service account and download the private key file Read the docs: https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/setup
Docker. This is an image from gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:latest
docker build . -t lpr-gcloud
docker create -t -i -v /Path/To/Your/Repo:/app -t lpr-gcloud /bin/bash
Run or exec the script into the container
docker exec -it tender_dirac python3.7 main.py image/linux/format/path/file.jpg
- Python 3.7
- google-cloud-vision 1.0.0
- Pillow 7.1.2
- Crop Until Find License Plate Object