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MagicalRecord 3: Concepts

Saul Mora edited this page Apr 8, 2014 · 2 revisions

MagicalRecord 3.0 is a major release with new features and breaking changes.


MagicalRecord 3.0 introduces the concept of a 'Stack'. Applications can have a single stack, or many stacks. Library style applications like iPhoto or iTunes might only use a single stack, whereas a document-based application like TextEdit would usually use a stack for every open document.

It's easiest to think about a stack as all of the components necessary to interact with a single persistent store.

A stack includes the following basic objects:

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *stackName;

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSManagedObjectContext *context;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSManagedObjectModel *model;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSPersistentStore *store;

To migrate a simple, existing MagicalRecord-based application to use stacks, it's as simple as replacing this:

[MagicalRecord setupAutoMigratingCoreDataStack];


[MagicalRecordStack setDefaultStack:[AutoMigratingMagicalRecordStack stack]];

We recommend that you keep a reference to your stack somewhere other than the defaultStack property of the MagicalRecordStack class, so that if you need to add more than one stack it's an easier upgrade path. Also, Saul gets a bit crazy when people use singletons.

There are 9 stacks included by default:

SQLite Backed Stacks

All of the stacks below use SQLite-backed persistent stores (NSSQLiteStoreType).

  1. AutoMigratingMagicalRecordStack will automatically perform all migrations provided by your project.

  2. AutoMigratingWithSourceAndTargetModelMagicalRecordStack allows you define source and target managed object models to migrate directly between. It will not perform any additional migrations beyond those necessary to upgrade from the source model to the target.

  3. SQLiteMagicalRecordStack provides a context that uses main queue concurrency.

  4. SQLiteWithSavingContextMagicalRecordStack in addition to the main queue context, this stack provides a second, private background context that can be used to save changes without blocking the main thread.

  5. ClassicSQLiteMagicalRecordStack provides a context that uses confinement concurrency when saving.

  6. ClassicWithBackgroundCoordinatorSQLiteMagicalRecordStack in addition to the main queue context, provides a second, private background context that can be used to save changes without blocking the main thread.

  7. ManuallyMigratingMagicalRecordStack does not automatically infer the mapping models to be used when performing migrations (NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : NO ).

iCloud Stack

iCloudMagicalRecordStack provides a SQLite-backed persistent store that configures a Ubiquity Container for iCloud.

In-Memory Stack

InMemoryMagicalRecordStack provides an in-memory persistent store. In-memory stacks are great for running import processes, or for use in your tests.

Creating a new NSManagedObjectContext from a Stack

One of the stack's key responsibilities is vending new instances of NSManagedObjectContext. You can create a new instance of an NSManagedObjectContext from any stack using the following method:

MagicalRecordStack *stack = ...;
NSManagedObjectContext *savingContext = [stack newConfinementConext];

This confinement context will automatically be prepared for merging changes to the context within the stack itself. This is important when performing background operations against a stack as you don't want to mix threads and contexts incorrectly.


  • MR_SHORTHAND is deprecated in this release. You can continue using the shorthand methods, however clang will show a warning. If you absolutely must silence the deprecation warning, define WE_PROMISE_TO_MIGRATE_TO_MAGICALRECORD_3_0 before you import any MagicalRecord header. Any method marked as deprecated in this release will be removed entirely in MagicalRecord 4.0, so please use these warnings to migrate your code to the non-shorthand methods.
  • The NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalThreading category has been removed entirely. These methods are unnecessary alongside GCD, NSOperation and the -performBlock: and -performBlockAndWait: methods on NSManagedObjectContext. This includes the following methods:
    • + (NSManagedObjectContext *) MR_contextForCurrentThread;
    • + (void) MR_clearNonMainThreadContextsCache;
    • + (void) MR_resetContextForCurrentThread;
    • + (void) MR_clearContextForCurrentThread;