Codes for Reproducibility
Paper link:
Citation (bibtex):
title={wav2tok: Deep Sequence Tokenizer for Audio Retrieval},
author={Banerjee, Adhiraj and Arora, Vipul},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations},
make 3 more folders bin, weights, Dataset
Keep dataset in wav2tok/Dataset
Make a list of data splits and save as .bin file wav2tok/bin
audios.bin == [X_train , X_test]
X_train, X_test -> lists of audio paths
[audio path 1, audio path 2, ...]
Make a list of data dictionaries and save as .bin file to wav2tok/bin
audios.bin == [X_train , X_test]
X_train, X_test -> dictionaries of audio
Keys -> Classes or labels (song_id1, song_id2)
Values -> List of audio paths (10 utterances for song_id1)
{class 1 : list of audio , class 2 : list of audio ...}
We have a dedicated function for training a wav2tok model.
Functions used in wav2tok/Src/
wav2tok() from wav2tok/Src/
Trainer() from wav2tok/Src/
To train a wav2tok model just run in command prompt,
python3 --args1 arg_value1 --args2 arg_value2
--debug -> int, 1 for debug mode, 0 for work mode
--dataset -> str, Dataset filename (dataset: {filename}.bin)
--is_dict -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if Dataset is a dictionary or list
--sample_subdataset -> int (Default: 0 -> False), sample random subsets of data for training on Large datasets
Works only if --is_dict == 0
--subdata_split -> float (Default: 0.1), How big of a portion are the subdatasets in comparison to the large dataset
--is_triplet -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if you want to train with Batches of Triplets (anchor, positive, negative)
--is_single -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if you want to train with batches of audio (anchor)
########## Default Training is done with pairs of audio (anchor, positive) ##############
--same_length -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if you want to time stretch audios in each batch of (anchor) or (anchor. positive), (anchor, positive, negative) to same length
--apply_augmentation -> int (Default: 0 -> False), works if is_dict == True, apply augmentations to pairs sampled from dictionary === (anchor, positive), apply augmentation to positive
--batch_size -> int (Default: 4), Training batch size
--EPOCHS -> int (Default: 100), Number of full data passes
--autosave_epoch -> int (Default: 5), autosave model parameters in {autosave} number of epochs
--patience -> int (Default: 5), stop training if evaluation metric doesn't increase for {patience} number of epochs
--name -> str (Default: 'TrialTok' ), Model parameters save filename
--epoch_start -> int (Default: 0), To start training at {epoch_start} epoch.
--device -> str (Default: 'cuda'), GPU device name
--learning_rate -> float (Default: 2e-3), Learning rate for Training (we use the ADAM optimizer with default settings for training)
--use_scheduler -> int (Default: 1 -> True), if you want to use a learning rate scheduler (We use a linear learning rate scheduler with warmup)
--train_steps -> int (Default: None, Calculated as EPOCHS* dataset_length //batch_size), number of training steps
--warmup -> float (Default: 0.08), Percentage of training steps to be used for warm up
--load_dir -> str (Default: None), Model name to load
--load_model_epochid -> int (Default: None), Epoch id to load
--best_model -> int (Default: 1 -> True), if you want to load the best version of model
--debug -> int (Default: 0), 1 for debug mode, 0 for work mode
--use_transformer -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if you want to use a transformer network as encoder ,
but you have to set the args in wav2tok/Src/
in class TransformerEncoder and TransformerSentenceEncoderLayer
We use BiLSTM encoder, you can tweak parameters
in wav2tok/Src/ class Emb
--input_dim -> int (Default: 39), input Feature dim (STFT dim or MFCC dim)
--emb_dim -> int (Default: 256), Embedding dim (encoder output dim)
--num_tokens -> int (Default: 50), number of tokens to use for tokenization
--num_layers -> int (Default: 2), number of layers to use for BiLSTM model (no effect if you want to use Transformer)
--device -> str (Default: 'cuda'), GPU device name
--dataset -> str (Default: None),Dataset name for clustering ('audios') / takes the training spilt for clustering
--mfcc -> int (Default: 0 -> False), if you want to use MFCC features
--cluster_split -> float (Default: 1.0), percentage of training data to use for clustering (data is sampled randomly)
--iter_clust -> int (Default: 500), number of training steps before each clustering session
--clip -> int (Default: 0 -> False), works if is_dict = False, if you want to clip the to some duration
--clip_duration -> float (Default: 3), clip audio to {clip_duration} seconds
--sr -> int (Default: 16000), sampling rate of audio
--use_cosine -> int (Default: 0 -> False), use cosine similarity in matching task instead of parameterized similarity score
--temp -> float (Default: 0.1), temperature for the logits used in cross-entropy calculation
--alpha , --beta -> floats (Default: 0.01,0.01) positive constants in likelihood loss
forward -> input: seq1 , seq2, training_steps
output: loss with gradients, logs
cluster -> input: dataset name -> string ('audios')
output: Performs clustering and
sets the token classifier codebook
get_feats -> input: audio-> wav , mfcc -> Boolean
output: MFCCs if MFCC == True else STFT matrix
(you can the parameters for extraction of features
manually inside the code segment )
get_embs -> input: audio -> STFT or MFCC
output: numpy array of Embeddings
initialize_classifier -> input -> Codebook of token representations,
shape: (number of tokens, Embedding dim)
output -> sets token classifier codebook as input
ctc_loss_cal -> input: logits of shape (Time, classes), token sequence
output: CTC loss or likelihood loss
gen_prototype -> input: Concatenated sequences of representations {Z, Z'},
Concatenated sequences of tokens {T,T'},
Unique tokens in concatenated sequence {T,T'}
output: Dictionary of Prototypes {token: prototype or average representation in {Z,Z'} mapping to token }
matching_loss -> input: Dictionary of Prototypes
output: contrastive loss
inter_dict_weights -> calculates distances from codebook representations
Helper function to matching_loss
The Trainer function saves the best weights as well as weights every 5 (default) epochs
Uses load_Weights and save_Weights functions in wav2tok/Src/
save_weights -> input: model instance, epoch_id, name
output: save weights in wav2tok/weights/{name}_{epoch}.bin
load_Weights -> input: model instance, epoch_id, name
output: load weight to model
wav2tok/bin/audio.bin == [X_train, X_test]
X_train, X_test -> dictionaries {class 1 : list of audio , class 2 : list of audio ...}
python3 --dataset audios --sr 16000 --is_dict 1 --cluster_split 1.0 --apply_augmentation 1 \
--iter_clust 1000 --input_dim 39 --emb_dim 256 --num_tokens 50 --batch_size 16 --name TrialTok
apply_augmentation = True, if you want to sample another sequence of same class
and apply augmentation to it
False , if you want to only sample another sequence of same class
wav2tok/bin/audio.bin == [X_train, X_test]
X_train, X_test -> list of audio paths [audio path 1, audio path 2, ...]
python3 --dataset audios --sr 16000 --is_dict 0 --cluster_split 1.0 --iter_clust 1000 \
--input_dim 39 --emb_dim 256 --num_tokens 50 --batch_size 16 --name TrialTok
apply_augmentation = doesn't matter similar sequence generated via audio augmentations