A ping-pong game
This is a ping pong game.
Author: Norbert Anjichi Lupamo
Description: This is a ping-pong game created. This is a game created to match the traditonal ping-pong game created in 1972. The goal is to prompt a user on numbers 1-15 and receive the following answers: Numbers divisible by 3 are replaced with "ping" Numbers divisible by 5 are replaced with "pong" Numbers divisible by 15 are replaced with "pingpong"
Project set-up instructions: CSS and HTML used for UI. Jquery used for back-end. jQuery was used for manipulating the DOM. Procedure for development And deployment to git pages. Bootstrap framework used for styling.
Behaviour driven development Creting the backend. Designing the User Interface. Linking the backend logic with the interface.
GH-pages. Create a remote repository on github. Initialize a local repository using git init command on the project directory. Create the required html and css files and image directories. Create a new branch called gh-pages git branch gh-pages. Use git add . to add files and folders to git so that the project can be monitored then issue git commit -m "message here" to commit to staging area. Then connect with the remote repository git remote add origin <url.git> Then push to the remote repository on github.git push origin master. Accessing the portfolio. The site can be viewed from here ping pong blog or ping pong github repository.
copyright The site and materials can be accessed by the public freely. Copyright(c) Anjichi Norbert Lupamo.