Benchmarking variant calling in polyploids
All experiments are reproducable using a Snakemake workflow. First clone the repository:
$ git clone && cd polyploid
You will need to install Conda, if not already:
$ wget
$ bash # follow instructions, answer 'yes' where asked
$ source ~/.bashrc # assuming you installed conda into your home directory
$ conda update conda
Install Snakemake and general dependencies with conda:
$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda create --name polyploid snakemake pysam python-wget openpyxl mamba
$ conda activate polyploid
Each set of experiments is specified in a YAML config file in the config
directory. They are self-contained, but download links for the PrecisionFDA Truth v2 raw read data must be specified as these are only accessible after authorisation. You can either download the data manually and rename the files appropriatly, or provide the links in a config file, e.g.:
$ echo "links:\n\tHG002:" >> config/tetraploid_novaseq.yaml
$ echo "\t\t-<link_here>\n\t\t-<link_here>" >> config/tetraploid_novaseq.yaml
Then run each experiment as required, e.g:
$ snakemake --configfile config/tetraploid_novaseq.yaml --use-conda --use-singularity -j 100 --cluster "qsub -cwd -V -j y -P mygroup.prj -q long.qf -pe shmem {threads}"