The release tools are a bunch of command line tools to maintain a release. These tools are usually used by a release manager.
Have npx
installed with npm install -g npx
npx release-tools
Introduction When you want to manage a product with different releases and support old version with patches, you can not just use semver on master. You also have to work with release branches to support old versions. A more detailed explanation with an example can be found here
- Help:
npx @livingdocs/release-tools@<version> create-release-branch
- Command (simple example):
npx @livingdocs/release-tools@<version> create-release-branch --base-tag=v1.0.1 --release-branch-name=release-2017-10 --npm-token=<token>
npm test
Change the directory to a repository you want to test the release tools with (e.g. livingdocs-server), the release tools will be executed in the context of the repository you are in. Both repositories should be in the same parent directory. Then run the following command:
node ../release-tools/bin/cmd.js create-release-branch \
--repo=repoName \
--base-tag=validVersion \
--release-branch-name=test-release \
A validVersion is a tag that exists in the repository you are in and fulfils semver constraints:
- latest version of minor bump (e.g. 1.2.latest)
- newer minor or major version exist (e.g. 1.3.0 or 2.0.0 exist)
Copyright (c) 2018 Livingdocs AG, all rights reserved
It is not permitted to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this Software ('release-tools'), except when explicitly stated otherwise by Livingdocs AG.