PBWDeformations v0.2.0
Closed issues:
- migrate gitlab CI to github actions (#62)
Merged pull requests:
- change DeformationBasis usage (#61) (@lgoe-ac)
- migrate documentation building (#63) (@lgoe-ac)
- migrate documentation building (#64) (@lgoe-ac)
- migrate documentation building (#65) (@lgoe-ac)
- migrate gitlab ci to GitHub actions (#66) (@lgoe-ac)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Oscar to 0.11, (keep existing compat) (#67) (@github-actions[bot])
- fix docu action (#68) (@lgoe-ac)
- add codecov (#69) (@lgoe-ac)
- Update .codecov.yml (#70) (@lgoe-ac)
- Update Readme.md (#71) (@lgoe-ac)
- add docs for PseudographDeformBasis (#72) (@lgoe-ac)
- bump to 0.2.0 (#73) (@lgoe-ac)