A simple, extensible web server for fetching and logging weather information and displaying nicely on a screen.
- forecastio
- python-flask
- matplotlib
- w1thermsensor (optional)
- Raspberry pi
- DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor (optional)
Install with pip and virtualenv:
python3 -m virtualenv ~/wallberry
source ~/wallberry/bin/activate
pip install wallberry-uberpotato
Requires a DarkSky API key (free from https://darksky.net/dev).
Change the example config file to include your key and your location. Save config file as config.py
Start the server on your local network by running sh wallberry/server.sh &
Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:5000
For a wall-clock, use crontab and screen to automatically start on boot
sudo apt-get install screen
crontab -e
add the following:
@reboot /usr/bin/screen -dmS Server /bin/sh ~/wallberry/server.sh
@reboot /bin/sh ~/wallberry/start.sh
0 7 * * * /bin/sh ~/wallberry/start.sh
0 23 * * * /bin/sh ~/wallberry/stop.sh
This will start a full-screen kiosk browser, and turn off the screen automatically from 11pm to 7am.
Included also is an example python script for a PIR motion sensor for automatically turning on and off the screen
Send temperature, humidity, and pressure data to the server with a POST requst to /log
with the format
name: <My Sensor Name>,
temperature: <Temp>, (optional)
humidity: <Humidity>, (optional)
pressure: <Pressure> (optional)
An example script weatherPOST.py
is included for reference using a DS18B20 sensor. To set up this sensor on a rpi:
Connect Vdd to 3.3v, data to gpio-4, ground to ground, pullup resistor between Vdd and data
to /boot/config.txt
4 is the default w1 gpio pin
to /etc/modules
Connect Vdd shorted with ground, data to gpio-4, pullup resistor between Vdd and data
to /boot/config.txt
to /etc/modules
w1-therm strong_pullup=2
Call w1thermsensor ls
to list the hardware addresses of all connected sensors
A GET request to /log
yields a date range selection and simple graph