Generates Anki flashcards from highlighted text in KOReader to create cloze deletions. It utilises the BERT model to assess word importance in sentences, allowing for the generation of effective flashcards.
curl -f | bash
Clone the repo
pip install poetry
poetry install
- Mount your Ebook reader
- Run the script
- import the APKG into ANKI
# If installed from poetry, do `poetry run koreader_highlights_2_anki -h`
koreader_highlights_2_anki -h
usage: koreader_highlights_2_anki [-h] --input-folder INPUT_FOLDER --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER [--deck-name DECK_NAME] [--no-ai] [--select-files]
Create Anki flashcards from Koreader highlights.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input-folder INPUT_FOLDER, -i INPUT_FOLDER
Path to the folder containing metadata.epub.lua files in KOReader.
Path to the folder where .apkg files will be saved.
--deck-name DECK_NAME, -n DECK_NAME
Name of the Anki deck (e.g., 'deck::subdeck') (Default to Books Highlights 📚 .
--no-ai Decide if we don't use AI to find which part of the sentence to 'cloze'.
--select-files If set, allows you to select files interactively for processing.
poetry run koreader_highlights_2_anki -i /media/KOBOeReader/Ebooks -o ~/Documents --select-files