A library to construct top-down recursive backtracking parsers using parser-combinators. Before proceeding you might want to take at peep at theory of parser combinators. As for this package, it provides:
- A standard set of combinators.
- Regular expression based simple-scanner.
- Standard set of tokenizers based on the simple-scanner.
To construct syntax-trees based on detailed grammar try with AST struct
- Standard set of combinators are exported as methods to AST.
- Generate dot-graph EG: dotfile for html.
- Pretty print on the console.
- Make debugging easier.
NOTE that AST object is a recent development and expect user to adapt to newer versions
- Go documentation.
- Using the builtin scanner.
- Simple HTML parser.
- Querying Abstract Syntax Tree
- Projects using goparsec.
- Articles.
- How to contribute.
Every combinator should confirm to the following signature,
// ParsecNode type defines a node in the AST
type ParsecNode interface{}
// Parser function parses input text, higher order parsers are
// constructed using combinators.
type Parser func(Scanner) (ParsecNode, Scanner)
// Nodify callback function to construct custom ParsecNode.
type Nodify func([]ParsecNode) ParsecNode
Combinators take a variable number of parser functions and return a new parser function.
Builtin scanner library manages the input buffer and implements a cursor into the buffer. Create a new scanner instance,
s := parsec.NewScanner(text)
The scanner library supplies method like Match(pattern)
and Endof()
, refer to for
more information on each of these methods.
Panics are to be expected when APIs are misused. Programmers might choose to ignore errors, but not panics. For example:
- Kleene and Many combinators take one or two parsers as arguments. Less than one or more than two will throw a panic.
- ManyUntil combinator take two or three parsers as arguments. Less than two or more than three will throw a panic.
- Combinators accept Parser function or pointer to Parser function. Anything else will panic.
- When using invalid regular expression to match a token.
- expr/expr.go, implements a parsec grammar to parse arithmetic expressions.
- json/json.go, implements a parsec grammar to parse JSON document.
Clone the repository run the benchmark suite
$ cd expr/
$ go test -test.bench=. -test.benchmem=true
$ cd json/
$ go test -test.bench=. -test.benchmem=true
To run the example program,
# to parse expression
$ go run tools/parsec/parsec.go -expr "10 + 29"
# to parse JSON string
$ go run tools/parsec/parsec.go -json '{ "key1" : [10, "hello", true, null, false] }'
If your project is using goparsec you can raise an issue to list them under this section.
- [Parsing by composing functions][article1-link]
- [Parser composition for recursive grammar][article2-link]
- [How to use the
- Pick an issue, or create an new issue. Provide adequate documentation for the issue.
- Assign the issue or get it assigned.
- Work on the code, once finished, raise a pull request.
- Goparsec is written in golang, hence expected to follow the global guidelines for writing go programs.
- If the changeset is more than few lines, please generate a [report card][report-link].
- As of now, branch
is the development branch.
article1-link article2-link article3-link [report-link]: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/prataprc/goparsec